Catfok Ninja level 5 just need some pointers on feats and Ninja tricks


So with the help of My GM I've settle on a catfolk Ninja

The game is 15 point buy and I'm thinking the following for stats

Str 10
Dex 16 (Stat boost at level 4 calculated in)
Con 13
INT 10 (8 Skill point per level + Favored class Bonus skill points i think should do)
Wis 8
Cha 16

My character is gonna focues on being sneaky and infiltrating and maybe run and hit tatics
I want of course their stealth abilities to be high and for them to be decent at Disguise checks

I plan for him to fight with two kamas for he dose not have claws of his own

Obviously I know that means TWF and I guess I'll need weapon Finesse but I'm not so sure on his last feat

And as for Ninja Trick probally going with vanishing Trick at 2nd level but not sure about his 4th level Trick.

in no particular order

Vanishing Trick
Flurry of Stars
Invisible Blade
Ghost Step
Improved Evasion
Shadow Clone

If you are doing TWF, then you want Piranha Strike.

TxSam88 wrote:

in no particular order

Vanishing Trick
Flurry of Stars
Invisible Blade
Ghost Step
Improved Evasion
Shadow Clone

If you are doing TWF, then you want Piranha Strike.

Can you give me a example of a build using the the catfolk claws

As my main weapon. I ask cause I want my character to use stealth and use pounce to get full attacks in. I just don't really understand how natrual weapon work

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