Homebrew Archetypes & Classes

Homebrew and House Rules


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Just posting a number of homebrewed archetypes and classes that I've made for my home table. Mainly posting these cause my table reads the forums more often then my direct emails to them. :) Please feel free to comment, feedback, make threats, etc.

Bowsinger This is an elven racial ranger archetype.

Chi-Strike Master This is an unchained monk archetype (think Iron Fist flavor).

Clueless Crook This is a lucky idiot rogue (No high Int needed - unchained rogue archetype).

Hellbound Rider A cavalier archetype (think ghost rider on a nightmare - still working on mount stats).

Hellspawn Redeemer This is a paladin archetype (think Spawn flavor).

Idiot Savant This is a wizard archetype (No high Int needed).

Illithid Adept A psychic archetype (Our campaign is set in a mixed Golarion/Forgotten Realms world (think of this as a mind flayer wanna be).

Juggernaut This is an unchained barbarian archetype (this Colossus).

Pactbound Warlock This is a witch archetype (simulates flavor of D&D5e warlock).

Phase Spider Style This is a new set of monk style feats.

Phaseblade This is an android racial ranger archetype (think the Vision type flavor).

Sorcerer (Oni Bloodline) added in an additional bloodline.

Spiderfang This is a drow racial unchained monk archetype (think spider-man flavor).

Verdant Vanguard This is a druid archetype (think Venom symbiote but of vines and vegetation like mech suit.

Vampiric Ravager This is a dhampir racial unchained barbarian archetype (think blood thirsty lust for combat).

Mutant Warior This is a full class mix of barbarian/ranger/shifter wrapped in Wolverine flavor.

Thunderborn Champion A take on Thor as a full class, mixing warpriest, fighter, barbarian, and some cleric.

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Hey JeffreySwank, good to have some free homebrewin' archetypes & classes stuff out there for PF1e. ;)

Dark Archive

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I really like the Phase Spider Style feats!

Verdant Vanguard seems really neat, as well. Become your own Shambling Mound! (Very Swamp Thing-y.)

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Very nice!! Thanks for putting all of these together!!

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Sorry for the delay on responding, been on a long-time sojourner, and am only now returned. :D

I love homebrew archetypes and plan to critcally evaluate each of yours (feel free to do the same if you like, as I have a similar thread myself). :D Just slowly, as I seem to have a lot less time these days...


I love all but one aspect... I'd take this Archetype right away if it stacked with my Falconry image... as such, I think I would like to see (and if I implement this into my games, something I will obviously add), that there's a choice between Divine Arrow or Hunter's Bond. I would rephrase it to just be Hunter's Bond and allow the bond to be with either an animal as per the canon rules, or with a bow. Bonding with the bow gives benefits, and replacing the bow would follow similar rules (maybe require that it be made from Greenwood or something).


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Glad someone even read these, let alone liked them :)

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I did read a few but tend not to go into a critical discussion in this forum. Takes time and care then not usually well accepted.


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Azothath wrote:
I did read a few but tend not to go into a critical discussion in this forum. Takes time and care then not usually well accepted.

I think I left the ability for anyone to leave comments on the specific google doc. I am always open to feedback and design improvements. :)


Adding this into the pile...

A hybrid class mix of Monk/Wizard The Bookworm.

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