Andostre |

I'm not totally up on 2E lore and the changes mandated by the ORC license myself, but I think the understanding is that metallic and chromatic dragons aren't really wiped from existence and replaced with the new dragons. It's just that there will be no new material released for these dragons, because new Paizo products are under the new license. The existing lore concerning those dragons is still in place... it's just that Paizo is probably not going to do anything with them.
I think? Someone more up to speed can probably elaborate on this.

steelhead |
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Yes, as Andostre has pointed out, the pre-Remaster material is still usable. In fact, the newest hardcover adventure, Prey for Death, references stat blocks from the Bestiary 3. The chromatic dragons can be used as is, much as any of the older creatures.
I’m currently GMing an Extinction Curse campaign that has been running for four years. I use the Monster Core rulebook if the creatures have been updated from before the Remaster, if not then the older creatures work just as well. It’s the same rules and if there is any question about renamed rules, abilities, or spells then Archives of Nethys will clear up any possible differences by comparing the Remaster and previous rules.
In short, don’t worry about ‘making the game Remastered.’ There’s not much difference in the rules.