Exlempar Icons

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Normaly Exemplars get three Icons and a 4th at 8th level. If the player chose the exemplar dedication you could get two more icons would this be legal?

Are you honestly asking about if an exemplar took the exemplar dedication or am I reading your question completely wrong?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yes, I commonly make dual class characters for fun and would take the exemplar dedication after 10th level just to get the extra icons.

In this case nothing can prevent you from getting all published icons, make a dozen more and activate them at the same time. Have fun!

Just to get things on track:
You are not allowed to pick up a dedication of a class you already have per the rules.

Now, if you houserule this away, sure, do whatever you want, but then again, that's not a "rules question" at this point, is it?

Dark Archive

Per rules you aren't allowed to take the same multiclass archetype if you're the same class:

All archetypes in this book have the multiclass trait. These allow you to diversify your training into another class’s specialties. You can’t select a multiclass archetype’s dedication feat if you are already a member of that class.

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