How to avoid the penalty for firing into melee?


"Precise Shot" is no longer a feat in 2E so far as I can tell, so how does a ranged combatant avoid the penalty for firing into melee (-4, I believe)? Or is it that this penalty is no longer a thing as well?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There is no such penalty in 2e, so you don't need anything to avoid it.

HammerJack wrote:
There is no such penalty in 2ae, so you don't need anything to avoid it.

Excellent! No feat-tax!

Liberty's Edge

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Small note on that- Firing through a creature's square(ally or enemy) gives anything behind it lesser cover(so a +1 circumstance to AC). But that can be avoided by lining up your shots without something in between.

Tarlane wrote:
Small note on that- Firing through a creature's square(ally or enemy) gives anything behind it lesser cover(so a +1 circumstance to AC). But that can be avoided by lining up your shots without something in between.

Noted. Thank you. I built a ranged character as my first 2E character but dont know anything much about the rules.

There is Volley Trait in some ranged weapons that's kinda similar.

You take -2 to attack when you fire closer than the Volley Trait range.

But yeah, if you stick to non-Volley weapons (i.e use Shortbow instead of Longbow) there's no penalty.

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