Gunslinger's Reloads and Repeating Weapons: 3 Actions or 1?


When using a Gunslinger's Reload on a Repeating Weapon, does the Gunslinger's Reload contribute 1 of the 3 actions, or does it contribute to a full reload of a Repeating weapon?

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I would say one.

Why should a one-action ability, that also provides some other bonus on top of the reload action, count as three actions?

That would be giving you the equivalent of 4 actions for spending one. In general, if something seems too good to be true, it usually is.

Dark Archive

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The way reloading feats and gunglsinger ways are written they give you "an interact to reload". The repeating weapon trait says:

A repeating weapon is a type of ranged weapon with a shorter reload time. These weapons can't be loaded with individual bolts or bullets like other crossbows and firearms; instead, they require a magazine of specialized ammunition to be loaded into a special slot. Once that magazine is in place, the ammunition is automatically loaded each time the weapon is cocked to fire, reducing its reload to the value in its reload entry (typically 0). When the ammunition runs out, a new magazine must be loaded, which requires a free hand and 3 Interact actions (to remove the old magazine, retrieve the new magazine, and slot the new magazine in place). These actions don't need to be consecutive and are the same as Interacting to reload.

So very explicitly, you only execute 1 of the 3 interacts with those feats/class features.

If you're using a repeating hand crossbow you can get it down to 2 actions with a Shootist Bandolier.

The only class to date that can get it down to '0 actions' is the exemplar with the deft L3 class feature. Every time they use a transcend ability they get 1 free action to interact to reload. If you also have an ancestry with a tail feature you can grab a free tentacle potion which lasts 8 hours at L6 so you can interact to draw the clip for free, interact to pull the old clip, and interact to put in the new clip across 3 separate turn's transcendence and get reload down to 0 effectively with some turn planning. Without the tail you're down to 1 action reload with planning since you won't a hand available to hold the clip.

Alternatively you can also use a retrieval belt for a free action to get out a clip to cut action cost down by 1. Just note that based on the way the drow shootist bandolier is written I don't think these will stack since they both work on the 'draw clip' interact required.

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I remember seeing a thread about this topic before, but I don't feel like looking for it right now.

From what I remember, my thoughts were that it is an unfortunate naming collision between "Reload" and "Reload".

Reload: the action cost needed to load one piece of ammunition into a typical ranged weapon.

Reload: the action cost needed to load a full magazine of ammunition into a repeating weapon.

If those didn't have a naming collision - let's say, the first one is kept to the simple name of "Reload" since it is by far the most common meaning of the game term, and the second is given the name of "Replace Magazine" instead - then in would be a trivial matter to understand the rules.

Trying to make that separation ourselves is something that has to be adjudicated at the table.

Personally, I think that Gunslinger's Reload abilities are referencing the standard Reload action, not the Replace Magazine action. I would allow the Gunslinger's Reload action to be one of the Interact actions needed for Reload Magazine.

Dark Archive

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Finoan wrote:


Personally, I think that Gunslinger's Reload abilities are referencing the standard Reload action, not the Replace Magazine action. I would allow the Gunslinger's Reload action to be one of the Interact actions needed for Reload Magazine.

The rules are explicit (see my quote above). There is no RAI/RAW misinterpretation or opinion required. Its just a conflict of common language flavour text/feat titles, not the actual rules mechanics. Reload feats/features say you get a free action to 'interact to reload'. The repeating weapon trait explicitly states you need 3xactions to reload a clip (states what they are) and they are treated as equivalent to 'interact to reload'.

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Yeah, that's what I was figuring. A player came to me convinced it would satisfy all 3 actions, and I thought, "Yeah, sounds too good to be true." thanks for confirming it, everyone.

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