Someone ought to tell the Starfriends how stunned works.

Witchwarper Class Discussion

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From the latest wave of errata:

Starfinder Playtest Rulebook Errata 3 wrote:
Replace the effect of Restorative Recollection with the following: “There is a part of your mind in another reality always processing your situation. You can Recall Knowledge with any skill you are trained in. Decrease your stunned value by 2 or slowed value by 1. If you lost an action this turn due to the stunned or slowed condition, you can use Restorative Recollection as a free action.”

For reference, here's how the stunned condition works:

You've become senseless. You can't act. Stunned usually includes a value, which indicates how many total actions you lose, possibly over multiple turns, from being stunned. Each time you regain actions, reduce the number you regain by your stunned value, then reduce your stunned value by the number of actions you lost. For example, if you were stunned 4, you would lose all 3 of your actions on your turn, reducing you to stunned 1; on your next turn, you would lose 1 more action, and then be able to use your remaining 2 actions normally. Stunned might also have a duration instead, such as “stunned for 1 minute,” causing you to lose all your actions for the duration.

Emphasis added to the part most important here. You still can't use Restorative Recollection to reduce your stunned value, because if you have any stunned value, you can't act. By the time you can act once more, your stunned value will have disappeared.

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Thousands of posts in possibly dozens of threads have given their lives to argue this point and whether "you can't act" is a bar on actions or some flavor text running long. Paizo may resolve this before or in PF3, but I doubt it.

My impression is that most Paizo authors turning in product are treating it as flavor or unaware of the issue, while most GMs engaging on these forums (and maybe on Reddit, ew) are doing the opposite.

Shadow Lodge

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GM call it.

Silver Crusade

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As Xenocrat has mentioned, the condition is subject to a lot of discussion thus it is a GM call. It would be lovely if the PF2 team could release a FAQ entry about it - personally considering the various cases this could happen, getting stunned during your turn is way too brutal to be applied like this.

Also, that title is at the very least not very respectful, you might want to reflect on that.
This is a playtest, minor changes to how the rules are structured, and how exceptions are written will likely get sorted out in time.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

IDK this one seems pretty easy, specific beats general.

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