Witchwarper Class Discussion

My final point of view on Quantum Field

Parallel Forms

Witchwarper feats for quantum zone

Anomaly Quantum Field

A proof of concept for an alternate Witchwarper

Someone ought to tell the Starfriends how stunned works.

Notes from the playtest: Witchwarper

My Witchwarper's First Adventure

Witchwarpers should be arcane / primal instead of occult

Beefing up the Quantum Field

Anchors and neurodivergence

Witchwarper seems... pretty boring

I think the Anchoring trait should be split in 2

Restorative Recollection's ability to reduce the Stunned condition is unusable

Are you supposed to be able to move the quantum field?

Quantum Field is an underwhelming chore

In Another Life class feat

Is this class meant to use weapons / take part in melee?

Is the fourth slot taking up too much budget?

Radiant Zone effect timing

Witchwarper - Initial Reading

Misc. Witchwarper stuff I noticed

What if W.Warp had their choice of INT / CHA as key?

Witchwarper class DC

Reality's anchor - Do you get 4 focus points?

Missing expert weapon proficiency

Precog feel

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