Psychic class - planer binding and circle of protection dilemma


Hey gals a pals, dare I spell that the headline tells my problem - psychic gains the planar binding and dimensional anchor… but to great annoyance; not either circle of protection or Thaumaturgic Circle?

Did I miss something or do I need a loophole to make the circle?
Cohort, scrolls/spell trigger items and use magic device (staff of the spells I need), playing with other casters in the party’s alignment to enthrall outsiders…

Hope you can help or clarify me :C

Skip this if you don’t care about my absurd feelings for the class:
I just refell in love with the psychic class, seeing it actually have access to a bunch of my favourite spells - planar binding (obviously), telekinesis (as a 4th level spell O.o), blade barrier (I know it’s not the best attack spell but it’s a nostalgic spell for me, since I played a lot of NWN2 in my early days), possession (course the fright of dying using magic jar on covered missions), and psychic thrust (as an untyped damage spell, with fairly high dices at early spell levels), phantasmal killer (as the old German poem says; Die rogue, Die)
-mind-effects on undeads side step
-loophole at the annoyance for the resources needed to be stealthy while casting or becoming a mental killer rabbit while baleful polymorph’ed (of course with the hope to succeed the will save)

sadly I’ll miss you Enervation my love :,(

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Oh no! the unbalanced cheesey god caster class that get to cast level 9th wizard spells in full armor didn't get ALL it's shiny trinkets? that must be some hard nerf, no? [/sarcasm]

Use umd and be thankful your GM even allow this broken class, In my game world they don't even exist.

just ignore the irrational rants
Psychic spells with school sort
there ya go; bind sage:C5, lsr planar binding:C5, planar binding:C6, grtr planar binding:C8, binding:E8, soul bind:N9. Amusingly no spells with "evil", 1 "good" songbird(lol), ... you have agonize:K4 for outsiders.
so it's just not on your spell list as you're only to ask for easy stuff. lol...

As psychic is a spontaneous caster, Page of Spell Knowledge, Spell Matrix, Ring of Wizardry is an option. They're still on list.
Some feats let you pick up an off list spell but it's a feat and the spell goes up a level... not a good deal.
If you were a samsaran you could have used alt racial option:Mythic Past Lives to pick up some spells.

activating spell completion or spell trigger items is easiest using your spell list, the second option is UMD, third is paying an NPC to cast it for you (assuming you don't want a party member to do it). The more expensive way is via a command or use activated magic item. Ioun stones do some weird stuff but they're generally expensive.
You also want to do some divinations if you have an infernal's name. No use trying to cold sell door-to-door with them.

Next you can summon, charm, convince, magic jar some creatures to help out by grappling the critter, casting circile of protection for you or other spells, charming it, etc... so you can use one summons against another. Bluff and Diplomacy are also useful as they can save you gold in 'negotiations'.
Ask your GM, sometimes wizard guilds or temples of Nethys have rent-a-circle or warded summoning rooms.

The other option is to prep and go to their plane. Do your research, get some delicious mcGuffin muffins or find what you want. Pop back to the prime with your "bait" or desired item(s)... done.

BTW- wizard is a more powerful caster without spell list issues, join the complaint line behind Alchemist and Investigator...

Azothath wrote:

just ignore the irrational rants

BTW- wizard is a more powerful caster without spell list issues, join the complaint line behind Alchemist and Investigator...

Me: "The balance of casters vs warriors is bad enough. At least the wizard can't cast all them highly destructive and controlling spells while wearing a full plate, leaving something for the poor fighters."

Psychic: "well..."

Sure some spells are out of the psychic spell list. but let's not kid ourselves over what he still have. and the payoff for being able to do so? not merely balanced enough!.
As you noted a wizard is hardly balanced compared to other classes, to give a class the major ability of wizards AND remove one of it more common limiters? sure is NOT balanced

I kept thinking I had missed some obscure psychic lookalike spell, thanks Azothath.
Bullying them into submission with a team wrestlers after pulling them out of their most private moments, all the while spamming Songbird(good) spell to hold the evil out of alignment, seems like the psychic way [/insert Mandolorian flute play]

Dare say page of spell knowledge specific says you need the spell on your class spell list, were the lower text spells pricing the item.
Ring of spell knowledge; psychic is a psychic caster not arcane.
Ring of spell storing; it’s cheaper to just paying your not bound outsider, then this ring and square one; the need of a third link caster to refill it…

zza ni pathfinder aren’t balanced, I ban a LOT too, but please don’t think I would ever dream of putting on a material armor, as a alpha caster class, not being a cleric (they are blessed and allowed by the gods)

(Until they find a way to bypass shaken, just insert a large+ creature and intimidate the psychic caster, ruins half his spell list for the first few encounter rounds)

Ah, that is conspicuously missing, yes, but you could use the Ensnaring Circle occult ritual to fulfill that role, provided you fulfill the checks to research it. Alternatively, a Limited Wish can also be used to create the circle of your choosing.

And with the Rebirth discipline you can cast any spell in the game.

Quote="Azothath" ... it's just not on your spell list as you're only to ask for easy stuff. lol...
As psychic is a spontaneous caster; Page of Spell Knowledge, Spell Matrix, Ring of Wizardry is an option. They're still on list.
my last comment is key as spells are generally on your class spell list and item write-ups refect this.
Page of Spell Knowledge, Ult Equip 2012, Spon caster: IF on list then known, price=$1000*SplLvl^2.
Spell Matrix Lattice, Page of Spell knowledge with caveat for Arcanists.
Ring of Wizardry, CRB 2009, *2 class granted arcane spell slots for a SplLvl, price=$10000 or higher.
>> Ring of Spell Knowledge, Ult Equip 2012, Spon caster: adds it to your spell list and known spells at +1 SplLvl if not on your spell list, price=$1500*SplLvl^2.
Occult Adv came out in 8/2015 so RAW before then has to be considered and likely adjusted. Usually anything arcane rolls over but GMs can get picky. Unfortunately Magic Circle vs ___:A3 will require a 4th level ring for you at $24000. *cha-Ching*

Planar Ally {on your list}: CL min task for $100*HD. "However, if the task is strongly aligned with the creature's ethos, it may halve or even waive the payment." So this spell is a lot less hassle as the creature starts with a reasonable attitude.

Planar Binding {on your list}: same HD as Planar Ally. Tgt gets SR then Will save to negate, then SR vs trap, Dim travel{dim anchor}, Cha Chk DC(15 +CL/2 +CHA). Then the opposed Cha checks start...

Thanks Tom Sampson, never paid attention to that section of occult adventure, I’ll read up upon it, sounds like the lone wolf solution.

And thanks again Azothath, I’m grateful for pointings and advices, and reevaluating of old rules;
But I personally would keep to psychic casters and arcane casters apart, as I believe they are respectively two different types as well, as divine is, as all of them have different gains and losses.

And ring of spell knowledge; well described as it is, with the thought that you can have a Spellbook at hand and simply “reteach” the spell you need into it, on the fly, is simply absurd;
All those utilities spells you love, but doesn’t dare use a spell known on, I would’ve paid double for that…
If the ring cannot be rethought a spell… well to bad if you find a ring IV with burning hands on…

PFS did away with the Arcn/Divn/Oclt division for magic items back in 2009. It didn't have much of an effect other than allow access for a price. NPC access was half the scribing cost. A good thing as later you'd effectively punish the occult guys. I'd peruse the Oclt Adv as they might have guidelines as it was a great way to handle the psychic casters.
Alchemist and Investigators were dead ends as they could copy from general casters and their own class but nobody else could copy their formula.

See Spellcraft for the time it takes caster's to Learn a spell, SplLvl hrs. While the ring only specifies a Splcrft DC20 it refrences the skill.
As the ring is just a holding place, one assumes it could be taught a new spell. GMs vary though.

I tend to shy away from costly items and components as it's just silly. Find another way. Besides, the idea of calling two Raelis Azatas to help you browbeat a Bebilith only makes sense.
and... critters with "magic circle against evil"

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