Magic Item Cost Calculator

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hey there, I'm looking for a Web or App based Tool to quickly calculate the price of mainly magic weapons/armor and maybe even wondrous items (I'm well aware that the latter is more of an art than straight math).

Google has lead me to some pages, but none of them were what I was looking for.

I thought AoN had something like that, but seems I thought wrong (or I simply can't find it anymore)

While I know that the pricing of magic weapons and armor is fairly straight forward, I'd hope to find a tool where I can just select the base item, possible special materials, enchantment bonus and special abilities and get the gold total.

While I know where to look all of them up and do the math myself, I'm looking for a more convenient way to give out prices on the fly should my players ask for specific things.

I'm more than happy for all suggestions.

Herolab will do the match on Custom Weapons and Armor. Using the available enhancements etc, from the game.

The Exchange

HeroLab has custom magic weapon and armor options where you select item, material, enhancement bonus, and special properties. It spits out the total cost. Really easy to use. But using HeroLab can get pricey.

I haven't used any of the free builder tools, maybe someone else can speak to their functionality.

the Table 15-29: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values & associated rules or magic item creation on d20pfsrd can produce a MSRP... that's the easy part but the process is designed to be done by hand and multiple abilities or discounts process is not direct/formulaic as the subtotals are reordered. I'm really surprised at how many writers flub the costs but they stray out of RAW and that creates issues...

I've seen spreadsheets that calculate costs... multiple abilities are ordered by final cost and that plays with simple formula sheets as they have to be re-ordered then the discounts applied. MaxA(), MinA(), Floor(), RoundDown() are functions you need.

Then you have the Game Balance part which is far trickier and why it's a 'Black Art'.
Ultimate Equip has a big list of items for treasure generation.

I may be completely wrong here, but if you can find a good PF1 crafting calculator, couldn't you just see how much it costs to craft the item, and then double that cost to find the market price?

Azothath wrote:

Then you have the Game Balance part which is far trickier and why it's a 'Black Art'.
Ultimate Equip has a big list of items for treasure generation.

The "black art" is true for wondrous items.

I'm mainly looking for a quick way to calculate the price of magic armor and weapons (with enhancement bonus, special ability and special material, which is straight forward) without having to look up everything and do the math by hand to save time at the table.

Player "I want to commission a +2 flaming burst earthbreaker made out if cold-iron. How much would that run me?"

I know how to calculate this, but would love to have some tool where I could just select everything and have the total cost, without needing to look up everything (be it AoN or skimming through my books).

Toshy wrote:

Player "I want to commission a +2 flaming burst earthbreaker made out if cold-iron. How much would that run me?"

HeroLab says 34,380 GP, and took me less than a minute to put in the stats

TxSam88 wrote:
Toshy wrote:


Player "I want to commission a +2 flaming burst earthbreaker made out if cold-iron. How much would that run me?"
HeroLab says 34,380 GP, and took me less than a minute to put in the stats

I get the same answer long hand (using Windows Calculator), so that appears to be correct.

It probably took about the same amount of time, but that was because I knew all the components OTTOMH except how much an earthbreaker costs - a different item with more to look up could have taken significantly longer.

(I did check that I was right about flaming burst being +2 equiv, but I was so I needn't have bothered).

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