DUNE PF1 Recruitment


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The year in Dune is 10,091 A.G. 100 years before the events of the Book DUNE. And house harkonnen controls ARAKIS, it and its two Vasul houses, the House Jarrlo and House Limir, oversee the day to day running of the planet and spice minding. All under the watchful eye of Dmitri Harkonnen who likes nothing more than have them fight over the scraps of power he lets them have. While the new Imperial Planetologist Pardot Kynes sets up labs close to the fringes of the desert. Village Fremen around Arrakeen great bason, suffer from explosion and oppression. some whisper of the wild Fremen out in the deep desert making deals with off world smugglers. This is the setting into which you will play. I am only using Herberts books, not his sons latter works.

House RULES.
NO Magic, Yep no magic, but I will allow Monks, Ki, Gun slingers Grit, Investigators Inspiration. Things that are not explicitly magic.
Be inventive, given this rule, If you have an idea of a PC using ANY class Paizo or 3pp rules, then offer them up. And lets see as a group of players and GM, if we think it will work.

Magic items are out, but there is tech, The rule his is simple, dose it FIT the setting. Your poor so there are LAz guns but your not going to have the credits to own one. There are sand tucks and ATVs but again your not that wealthy, So you may have the skill to drive on, but your not going to own one. Same with still suits, you can own one, but it will be broken and old, Village made. Be inventive and make it fit, being the rule.

Human only, all race traits are open to you, and your getting 5 traits, so you could get cool stuff form other races if clever but the rule goes, offer it and if I think its works in setting you can have it.

Your level 3, becouse dune is a harsh place and there is tech other there which is a one hit kill. Healing is slow with no magic, so you have to be cafull. "Arrakis kills those who are foolish, taking there water as payment for the sin of stupidity." as the freman say.

35 point Buy, no ifs no but, Arrakis, kills the weak, the slow.

Start with,
1: feat a level, + human starting bonus feat.
5 traits
1 Drawbacks + Space addiction, everyone has that if you live on arrakis any length of time
** Elephant in the room

10 min background:

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!

[Example: Martin Tenbones]
1) He is a former pirate and retired adventurer and now owns a tavern in the city of St. Clarice.
2) He is outgoing and charismatic, and attempts to keep abreast of all the local gossip and juicy secrets that pass his way, because he believes that knowledge is power.
3) He and his former adventuring band fought against the forces of the pirate captain Craven, who was a major lieutenant for the current Dread Pirate Hellbeard. He used the wealth that he acquired to build his tavern, but he sometimes worries that the pirates may one day decide to find him and extract revenge.
4) Though he is still friends with most of his former adventuring mates, some of them parted the group on bad terms. His girlfriend went back to the sea to fight pirates once more, but he received word that her vessel was taken by Hellbeard and believes she was killed. He mourns her death.
5) Although he is retired, he can be convinced to adventure again if he hears that Sasha (his lost love) may still be alive, or if he is contacted by the White Foxes during a crisis (see secrets).

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

1) I would like to see Martin reunited with his lost love and perhaps able to mend fences with some of his former adventuring buddies over the course of this campaign.
2) It would be cool to have Martin face and possibly defeat the Dread Pirate Hellbeard once and for all.

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

1) Martin is a member of the White Fox Society, a secret society dedicated to keeping Coralton free of tyranny and evil, as well as keeping local governments honest. He provides information and rumors to them, but can be convinced to take a more active roll if pressed.
2) Sasha LeBell, Marin's lost love, is still alive. She was captured by the Dread Pirate Hellbeard and has been kept as his captive for all these years.
3) (Example of a secret I might make up about your character): Not only is Sasha alive, but also she has escaped captivity and killed Hellbeard. She has taken over his ship and crew, and has turned to piracy out of bitterness. She now IS the new Dread Pirate Hellbeard!

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.

1) Martin's friend Audric Cwellen was one of his adventuring mate. Audric, a holy warrior in the service of the Goddess of Love, is the leader of the local cell of the White Fox society, and provides Martin with information and adventure hooks.
2) Another of Martin's old traveling companions, Aubrey LeVaine, is not as helpful as Audric, because they quarreled over the love of Sasha, and Aubrey is still bitter about losing her to Martin. Still, he can provide some magical support if Martin can convince him to let go of his hate.
3) Yebin Thistledown is a strange little creature from the Feywild called a gnome. Martin met the gnome in the Shroudmist Forest and saved him from a pack of Howlers. The Gnome makes all sorts of alchemical items and gadgets, and loves collecting odd souvenirs and items, as well as "recreational herbs." He operates a bizarre patchwork shop in the Rue Angélique district.

Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

1) Martin remembers growing up in a tavern as a young boy, helping his mother with the cooking. This started his own interest in the culinary arts.
2) Martin remembers the panic he felt when he discovered that the ship he signed on to was a pirate ship after a brutal attack on a merchantman. He vividly recalls the smell of blood and burning timbers.
3) Martin often recalls the goodbye kiss he gave Sasha when she left him. No kiss he's had since ever compares to that memory.
[design notes for the example character] Martin began life as an atypical barkeep. He was a retired adventurer, but still young and vigorous enough to accompany the party on their adventures. His tavern became the party's base for a while, until the BBEG of the game let off a necromantic bomb that killed most of the townsfolk and turned the town into a Zombie Apocalypse nightmare. Martin survived, and he turned into a secondary character for one of the players as he became more important to the ongoing storyline. Most of his background came from this transition from NPC to part-time PC. After the campaign reboot, Martin returned to his role as the barkeep of the party's favorite hang-out, but the players like him enough that he might return to adventuring status in the future.

Starting Money, 3 Leters of water each, spend it well.
The ecomemny of DUNE
Off world Credits is meaningless on Arrakis, where are you going to spend them?
Water as Money: 1 milliliter of water = 1Gp. WHAT!! you mean if I take a pee, Im peeing money down the drain, YES you are. water is wealth, water is life, wast water in sands and you die. Your still suit is your bank. This has been drummed into you from bearth. You very blood is wealth
1 liter of water = 1,000GP The average human has 42 liters of water in there body, so your dead water full body is wroth 42,000gp. Try not to let them bleeds to much when you skill them, we need thier water.
Space as Money. 1KG of refined space is worth 100 Liters of water, so 100,000gp for just 1kg of refined space. Unrefined, well that all depends on who your selling it to.

Water, Still suits and taxs.
Since a properly functioning and fitted stillsuit prevents moisture from being lost by collecting perspiration, wast water and defications, filtering and feeding water to catch pockets, it can reduce the need for water each day to a thimble full. 100ml of water a DAY! thats 100gp a day to live, so how are you going to make your water price?

Where are you, your Village Freemane, kids 20s something that have left home and seeking to make your way. Space or water, off world tech, stealing form the hated harkonnens of their two just as heated Vasul houses.

Ref DOC Dune Encyclopedia

Applications for this
I will keep this open for say 3 weeks. This one will take time to get right, so take your time, ask questions. I would like a Alt link, or post in here you alt so I can have a peek see.

About me.
Well, been a gm for a few years, still learning, so please foegive mistakes. I am dyslexic so spelling and grammer may be fun. I do my best with AI tools these days. Rule of cool, here, I used to say post once a day, but life is not so kind this is PbP so do your beats, just let me know if your having problems and will bot until your back :)

Well thats the idea, one and all, all the best everyone, and above all

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Ooo interesting concept. How do you feel about barbarians and rage powers? Are those too close to magic in your mind? A brawler might be on point however.

I'm curious how you'll handle bene jesuits, I guess they're close to some sort of psion.

Definitely intrigued.....

Initial thought is Ranger (Trapper or Skirmisher)...

FangDragon wrote:

Ooo interesting concept. How do you feel about barbarians and rage powers? Are those too close to magic in your mind? A brawler might be on point however.

I'm curious how you'll handle bene jesuits, I guess they're close to some sort of psion.

I think if it can find rage stuff that can be explained as not magic, then I think it could work.

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

Definitely intrigued.....

Initial thought is Ranger (Trapper or Skirmisher)...

Yes a ranger would work well. Some of the desert trates form dark suns would work well.

When you say all race traits are open to you, and your getting 5 traits are you referring to Racial Traits, or Traits (Combat, Social, etc)?

Can my Human take Grippli Weapon Proficiency Net for an example?

After much fun researching and putting pieces together, I will be submitting a Human Ranger ( Trapper / Transporter ) 3.

I will research the Human racial traits next, although if we can cherry pick other Racial Traits (looking at you Grippli)....

Probably going down the Equipment Trick (net) and Improved grapple route.... don't want to spill any of that precious gold....errr...blood/water!

I'm eyeing up a bounty hunter slayer. I think I can tie this back pretty well into dune lore too.

Very interesting campaign. No magic is pretty awesome. I just have a few questions.

Do you allow incredible healer?

Also, I'm thinking of making a trench fighter fighter.


Name: TBD
Race: Human
Stats: Str (13) Dex (19) Con (16) Int (14) Wis (12) Cha (12)
Class: Trench Fighter Paladin
* Religion: Battlefield Surgeon (Heal is a class skill for you, and you can use the treat deadly wounds aspect of Heal 1 additional time per creature per day.)
* Campaign: Frontier Healer (You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Heal and Knowledge (nature) checks, and one of these skills is always a class skill for you. Any time you restore hit points using the Heal skill or a cure spell (but not with channeled energy, lay on hands, or a magic device such as a potion or wand), you restore 1 additional hit point, plus 1 for every 2 class levels you have beyond 1st.)
* Regional: Silent Hunter (+1 stealth and class skill)
* Equipment: Heirloom Weapon
* Combat: Something? I don't know yet.

Human Lvl 1: Improvisational Healer
Bonus Lvl 1: Weapon Focus (Bayonet)
Fighter Lvl 1: Precise Shot
Lvl 1: Gunsmithing

Bonus Lvl 2: Rapid Shot
Fighter Lvl 2: Slashing Grace

Bonus 3: Rapid Reload
Lvl 3: Incredible Healer

* Heal
* Survival
* Knowledge Nature
* Knowledge Engineering
* Stealth

* Bayonet Socket (-2 to hit but don't need to take the bayonet off to shoot...only to be used at lvl 6 when there are iterative attacks)

A fighter. Dex to hit in close combat and range. Can help heal the party.

He would be taking heirloom weapon. What options would you be open to him having for weapons with that trait? I'm assuming that guns are commonplace, and as such count as martial weapons.

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

When you say all race traits are open to you, and your getting 5 traits are you referring to Racial Traits, or Traits (Combat, Social, etc)?

Can my Human take Grippli Weapon Proficiency Net for an example?

I was going to say just raits but color me intarested,

You have to be Human
but all race traits are open to you IF they fit the setting
That means you can look at elf orc and so one race traites.

Grumbaki wrote:

Very interesting campaign. No magic is pretty awesome. I just have a few questions.

Do you allow incredible healer?

Yes I dont see a problem with that,

Also, I'm thinking of making a trench fighter fighter.
Thats fine,

They do have Bindi pistols and other slug throwers in DUNE
some working on Air and others Springs.

So I will alow all weapons on this page IF the suit setting.


Grumbaki here…and Wonderful. :)

Dune Projectile Weapons

Reading up on it, it seems like the Maula Pistol is the most more accurate weapon to use. And I think the Revolver, Nagant M1895 rules fit it best.

I’ll get a profile and crunch up as I read up on this abit more. This is very much WIP

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So tempting, I keep reading the recruitment thread. I feel like I'm close to my max on games, but GM Panic, PF 1 and Arakis. Hard not to at least ask especially with Grumbaki and Dorian 'Grey' hanging out.

GM Panic what are your thoughts on the unchained classes?

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Robert Henry wrote:

So tempting, I keep reading the recruitment thread. I feel like I'm close to my max on games, but GM Panic, PF 1 and Arakis. Hard not to at least ask especially with Grumbaki and Dorian 'Grey' hanging out.

GM Panic what are your thoughts on the unchained classes?

You echo my thoughts. You, DG and GM Panic? That’s a recipe for a good time. That and I’m a sucker for interesting build rules. :)

Come on in! The water's fine!

@GM Panic just so I am understanding prior to building.

Human with 5 Racial Traits for other Races? Seems excessive. I am only interested in Weapon Familiarity Net (from Grippli).

5 Traits (assuming different Category) from Combat, Social, Magic etc.

He is mostly done in my head. Net route is Feat intensive which is why I am doing it here. Plus, blood is literally money.

I really think that the Transporter Archetype fits nicely for the Setting. Be really nice at 4th when he can share the bonuses with Everyone!

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Robert Henry wrote:

So tempting, I keep reading the recruitment thread. I feel like I'm close to my max on games, but GM Panic, PF 1 and Arakis. Hard not to at least ask especially with Grumbaki and Dorian 'Grey' hanging out.

GM Panic what are your thoughts on the unchained classes?

I think they should work, but again its a setting fit thing,


A note on leveling, Im going to limit this game to level 6,
and may go mythic after that, between levels I will be gving players,
new class abilities and other rewards.

The highest level NPC in the game will be a level 6 with lots of skills, feats amd abilities.

@GM Panic just so I am understanding prior to building.

I am going to remove the, have to take traits form each category, and no more. If you want 5 background traits from combat you can.

Trust me this is not too much, DUNE is deadly. And your limited to level 6, no PC will be or NPC is higher than that.

“Arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife - chopping off what's incomplete and saying: 'Now, it's complete because it's ended here.'

Sounds good. 6 is a good level for being strong without being beyond mortal men.

Kasit should be complete, barring actual equipment choices.
* Fights with a maula pistol. Better at range than close combat, but can do both. Without his gun, though…he is extremely worse off. Thematically, it looks like this
- Ranged: +9 to hit vs touch AC, 1d10+6 damage
- Melee: +9 to hit vs regular AC, 1d6+6 damage
* Has all of the skills needed to survive on Arrakis (perception, survival, stealth, k-nature). However the main focus is Heal. He can treat wounds 2x per day on a person. Each time heals 1d20+9 (heal skill) + 2 (healer’s kit) + 2 (trait). Can do this without a kit thanks to improvisational healer (delayed rapid shot to take that). Took “friendless” trait so he can heal himself.

@Robert Henry and Dorian Gray. Would either (or both?) of you want to make our characters family? If so, Kasit will take the “family-ties” drawback.


* Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character.
- Loyal to his sietch, with duty being core to his belief as towards what makes a man.
- Learned the healing arts, first to have a skill which would always be considered useful, and later for himself.
- Wields a maula pistol passed down in his family. It was originally taken from an Imperial officer who had tried to pacify his people. It is a prized possession.
- He truly despises House Harkonnen, seeing them as would-be despots who live in unearned luxury.
- He is secretly fascinated by off-world medical knowledge and technology.

* Step 2: List at least two goals for the character.
- Water independence. He dreams of the day when he doesn’t need to worry about making his water value.
- Medical knowledge. He wants to be a physician, where he truly knows how the human body works and how to heal it.

* Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character.
- He has heard tales of planets covered in water. He dreams about visiting such a place, even though his loyalty is to his family.
- He studied a medical textbook written for House Harkonnen. He truly believes that off-world medical knowledge is superior to that of his people, and would be very interested in learning, regardless of its source.
- He is not religious, nor is he spiritual. Everything can be explained with enough knowledge.

* Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character.
- Name TBD: He was apprenticed to (name), his village’s doctor. A now elderly man, who took on Kasit as a son that he never had.
- Name TBD: He is betrothed to (village doctor’s) daughter. She is as competent as he is as a healer, if not more so. There is no true spark between the two. Their union was made because her father willed it, and both agreed as it was their duty.
- Name TBD: Village Naib. He believes that it is proper for young men to wander from the village and to explore before returning to the sietch. He is on good terms with Kasit, as he has been one of his patients.

* Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has.
- He tends to be quiet, not speaking unless there is a point and is generally reserved when it comes to his emotions.
- He found a book on the corpse of a man who got lost in the desert and died of thirst. It contained medical knowledge unknown to Kasit’s teacher. He secretly read the book over and over again, before burying it in the sand lest anyone accuse him of impropriety as an apprentice.
- When nervous he tends to touch his pistol, which serves to calm him down.

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Kasit wrote:
@Robert Henry and Dorian Gray. Would either (or both?) of you want to make our characters family? If so, Kasit will take the “family-ties” drawback.

Dude.... if not family at least from the same Sietch. But I like the idea of family. As long as we've lost someone to the 'off-worlders.'

I'd been looking at either an unchained monk or unchained rogue. I like the monk for the bonus to AC, but I like the rogue ability to do damage with dex.

I decided to go rogue, between the extra damage from dex, sneak attack and the extra skill points it just seemed more practical.

Panic, I'm looking at archetypes, what's your opinion on turning Earthshadow into 'sandshadow'? I'm looking for a way to emulate attacking from under the sand. This feels like it may fit. If it's too 'mystical' I'll lean towards the archetype survivalist Sadly I can't do both, since both give up 'trapfinding'

Totally fine on losing someone to off world worlders. You choose who and what family relation, and I’ll edit the background accordingly.

Also…damn. Good find on survivalist. If I had to live on Arrakis that is the archetype I’d personally want to have.

@Robert Henry:

Kasit wrote:
@Robert Henry and Dorian Gray. Would either (or both?) of you want to make our characters family? If so, Kasit will take the “family-ties” drawback.

Dude.... if not family at least from the same Sietch. But I like the idea of family. As long as we've lost someone to the 'off-worlders.'

I'd been looking at either an unchained monk or unchained rogue. I like the monk for the bonus to AC, but I like the rogue ability to do damage with dex.

I decided to go rogue, between the extra damage from dex, sneak attack and the extra skill points it just seemed more practical.

Panic, I'm looking at archetypes, what's your opinion on turning Earthshadow into 'sandshadow'? I'm looking for a way to emulate attacking from under the sand. This feels like it may fit. If it's too 'mystical' I'll lean towards the archetype survivalist Sadly I can't do both, since both give up 'trapfinding'


Earthcraft (Su)
At 2nd level, an earthshadow can draw upon the power of earth to perform mystical tricks. At the start of each day, an earthshadow gains a pool of earthcraft points equal to half her rogue level plus her Wisdom modifier, and she can spend earthcraft points to use certain spell-like abilities. The caster level of these spell-like abilities is equal to the earthshadow’s rogue level. Earthcraft effects affect only the earthshadow, even if the spell could normally affect others. She can spend 1 earthcraft point to cast blend, even if she is not an elf, but this ability works only in areas of natural earth or unworked stone.

At 4th level, an earthshadow can spend 2 earthcraft points to cast meld into stone Sand

And I think it will work Robert H

“Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.”
― Frank Herbert, Dune

Sweet, now I just need to decide if 'Survivalist' is the better archetype or not. I figure I can pick up 'survival' with a trait, but "go twice the normal number of days without water and triple the normal number of days without food before feeling the effects of either thirst or starvation." is quite the perk. I'll keep crunching stuff...
It feels like we should only carry one Crysknife, does that seem right?

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