Piloting trained and untrained action questions.

Playtest General Discussion


The only untrained action is recall knowledge. If you can't use piloting to drive or fly untrained, what happens when a random groups of players show up to a SFS game that needs a pilot and none of the PCs have the piloting skill? If there are no options for the PCs then either the ship has to have an autopilot or the GM could use a pregen as pilot NPC. That works but not sure if it's intended to be that way when making piloting trained only other then recall knowledge.

Is RUN OVER meant for all types of vehicles to use? I'm not used to seeing starships used against a creature, but this looks like it does just that. I'm all for finding a way to mix all types of combat. if it's not intended to be used that way with starships, the requirements or description could say what types of vehicles can use this. Maybe for starships, this could be used at take-offs and landings.

Driftbourne wrote:
If you can't use piloting to drive or fly untrained, what happens when a random groups of players show up to a SFS game that needs a pilot and none of the PCs have the piloting skill? If there are no options for the PCs then either the ship has to have an autopilot or the GM could use a pregen as pilot NPC. That works but not sure if it's intended to be that way when making piloting trained only other then recall knowledge.

As the playtest currently is, that seems to be the path of it.

Driftbourne wrote:
Is RUN OVER meant for all types of vehicles to use? I'm not used to seeing starships used against a creature, but this looks like it does just that. I'm all for finding a way to mix all types of combat. if it's not intended to be used that way with starships, the requirements or description could say what types of vehicles can use this.

Also yes. Running over is niche, but it can be used even with a starship, and can be used against a creature, or another vehicle. An example for a spaceship is to crash into another starship, or to attack some other spaceborne creature, like say, a novaspawn (depending on whether a novaspawn is considered a ship or a creature in 2E).

Fun fact, I'm currently reading the Pact Worlds book. An excellent example of ramming is the Hellknight-used Infernex Keep Diabolical. That ship has a lovely set of forward protrusions that makes it look like it would be great for ramming other ships.


If you are trying to run over a creature on the ground with a starship and roll a crit fail that could cause a crash landing or at least damage the bottom of the ship.

Just add a strafing action to piloting and starships could be used in regular combat. Regular starship weapons could target mechs and vehicles and make some anti-personal weapons to target creatures.

Random idea strafing against the PCs could be done as a hazard.

Also even for normal combat a moving starship is too fast to stay on the map, it could have a flight path going across the map, and PCs could only attack it with attacks or opportunity or a readied action. Strafing attacks could have a delay time in rounds for how long it takes to turn or circle around for another pass.

moosher12 wrote:
Driftbourne wrote:
If you can't use piloting to drive or fly untrained, what happens when a random groups of players show up to a SFS game that needs a pilot and none of the PCs have the piloting skill? If there are no options for the PCs then either the ship has to have an autopilot or the GM could use a pregen as pilot NPC. That works but not sure if it's intended to be that way when making piloting trained only other then recall knowledge.
As the playtest currently is, that seems to be the path of it.

Yes, that is how I am reading the Piloting skill rules in the playtest rulebook too.

I'm also a bit concerned. It basically makes Piloting a must-pick for at least one PC in the party.

It does at least make the requirement explicit rather than leaving a trap option. No group is going to build their party comp without Piloting thinking that since the actions are usable untrained that they will be fine when it comes time for a driving challenge. The difference in Untrained bonus and Trained bonus is too much for the DC by Level to be viable.

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