Looking for new players for online TTRPG group


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Our long-standing band of adventurers is looking for some new companions. We play online on Discord, sometimes using the Roll20 virtual tabletop. We’re scattered about, in two American states, a Canadian province, and Hong Kong, and range from recent university grads to a retired grandfather. We’re looking for folks who can commit to playing, and don’t let rules get in the way of having fun.

We have a long running 5e campaign, but go on various side trips in other systems, like Pathfinder 1e, 2e and Basic Fantasy RPG. Most of us have taken a turn at GMing at one point or another. We aim to be an inclusive group, and don’t want any racism, sexism, or homophobia. If you’d like to meet us, come to our Discord meeting room: https://discord.gg/67HFQjKk . We have just started a Pathfinder 1e campaign.

We’ve been on a summer hiatus, but will resume playing on September 20th. Game time is Friday at 18:00 PDT, 21:00 EDT.

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