Multi-Classing at level 18


So, I'm a level 5 Shadowdancer currently with 12 levels of Aero/Aether Kineticist before that.

I don't feel like going further in either class, and am looking for a fun class to finish my character off with.

Truth is, adding 3 levels of Shadowdancer or Kineticist is kinda pointless. I'd never use Quicken (too expensive), I only have Infusions with a 2 burn requirement and don't want the higher burn ones..., and don't really see much use for the Shadowdancer powers after level 5. (The level 3 Shadow companion was quite a let down already).

I'm pretty much as powerful as I care to be, I can move 960' per turn (Extreme Range + Air's Reach + Ride the Blast), can Hide in Plain Sight with a +50 on my Stealth meaning my Sniping is about as best as can be... plus already have ranged skullduggery via Telekinetic Finesse and a +35 Disable Device... and am not looking for a 'boost' perse, just something fun.

Thought about using the 3 levels to create a really fast companion/familiar/eidolon of sorts, but that seemed pointless after giving it a try, there's just no way for them to keep up with me... Sky Druid seemed like a fun idea at first, but I move 10x+ faster than my companion ever could... Maybe some sort of Oracle or something? Or a Prestige Class that is fun if you don't mind that it's not boosting you at all? :P Any idea except more levels of Kineticist or Shadowdancer, that 3 levels worth of is still interesting.

At this level a spell casting or pet class is going to be almost useless. I would probably go with unchained rogue, or ranger . Low level class abilities are usually not that good at high level. Since you already have hide in plain sight sneak attack would actually be useful. Ranger gives you some extra HP and boost your fortitude save and BAB.

The big problem is that you don’t have many levels left. There really is not much to work with.

Brawler. Why? Martial Flexibility. Or Vigilante (Avenger) for the good will save and secret identity stuff.

Sphynx wrote:
{Aero/Aether Kineticist 12, Shadowdancer 5}

the whole point of multiclassing is to broaden your PCs abilities. Usually it's done early on so you can enjoy those advantages at lower levels AND they're not powerful as the class only has 1-2 levels.

Kineticist is very self-contained, Con based. You get stuff at every level (abilities are well spread out).
Shadowdancer is the stealthy rogue PrC for shadow themed abilities, mainly Dex based.
So you'll want to stick to those ability scores...

any AnmlCmpn or Fmlr class option is out. They'll just be squishy targets that'll be a gold/paperwork drain.

> Monk - arch Flowing 2 would add to your martial defenses and +3 on all saves is great. Sadly Monk 3-5 is a bit too far IMO. UncMonk is not as good for dipping.
> Brawler & Martial Flexibility is great but you're not Str based so you'd be fishing for Dex based combat feats.
> Wizard 1 or Cleric/Oracle 1 is a good casting option for spell usage in a Game that's magic centric. Magical Knack trait is needed up front to make it useful. Wiz 3 or Clr 3 is less appealing.
> Fighter (feats).
> Rogue (sneak, maybe evasion). UncRogue is not as good for dipping. Ninja is the other nice option here and supports 3-5 levels.

so my advice is to pick up 1-2 levels in the above and finish off Kineticist or get black pajamas and go Ninja...

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