zza ni |
A Brawler get close weapon mastery at level 5 which let him deal his unarmed damage at -4 to his level with weapons from the close fighter weapon group.
axe-gauntlet, dwarven heavy, axe-gauntlet, dwarven light, bayonet, brass knuckles, cestus, dan bong, emei piercer, fighting fan, gauntlet, heavy shield, iron brush, katar, katar, tri-bladed, klar, light shield, madu (leather/steel), mere club, punching dagger, rope gauntlet, sap, scizore, spiked armor, spiked gauntlet, Spiked heavy shield, Spiked light shield , tekko-kagi, tonfa, unarmed strike, war-shield, dwarven, waveblade, wooden stake, wushu dart
Anyone with the Ascetic Strike will deal damage as a monk unarmed damage of a level equal to -4 to his level, with the 'monk' group chosen weapon of the style feat.
but a 'dagger' specifically isn't part of these weapon groups as far as i recall.
happykj |
If weapon modification is allowed, then you can use Versatile design to make a weapon become monk weapon group, but it will increasw the weapon category