Azothath: Wizard - Poleiheira Adherent archetype 8


Req: PFS legal except self crafting, 25 pt Abil buy, Build to 8th with WBL $33000 gear.
Role: human adventurer Wiz-PolAdh & crafter for local militia, so about 50% feats in Craft feats.

Ludotys Libersacer Wiz-Poleheira Adherent 8
NN med sz human humnoid (m) age:28 ht:5’11” wt:175lb. (BMI 24.4 nrml)
Home: Oenopion Nex Politic: n/a Venerate: Nethys CN, Haagenti CE
Init: +3, Sense:, Prcptn:+9

AC: 17[21], tch 17, fftd 14[18] (+4[frc] armr, [+4 shld], +3 Dex).
HP: 42 (8d6) {PFS=6 +7*(4) +8*1{FCB}}.
Saves: Fort 5, Rflx +8, Will +10
DEF: regen 1/hr (Immun bleed), Con 12 for dying.
MOVE Spd:30

Mle: (+1/+0) mwk blkwd qtrstaff +5 or +1, -3 (1d6+1, 1d6+0 c19+ *2)B
Mle: cFe kunai +4 (1d4 c20+ *2)B|P. {dagger: similar but (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S see below}
Rng: obsdn dagger thrw +8≤30’ or +7 (1d4 +1≤30’ c19+ *2)P Rng:10’.
Rng: mwk hvy crossbow +9≤30’ or +8 (1d10 +1≤30’ c19+ *2)P Rng:120ft.
Rng: mwk hvy crossbow Grav Bow +9≤30’ or +8 (2d8 +1≤30’ c19+ *2)P Rng:120ft.
  Ammo: dur cldFe & AgWpnBlch [10 ], thistle [4 ] poi bleed 1d6r. Load 1 bolt Full actn pvk AoO.

Tattoo SLA danc lgts:K0@(Lvl+1) 3/d.
Arcn Spells Prpd (CL 8 {K:+1}; DC= SplLvl+7 {K:+1}; Conc(Int) +17 {K:+1}, roll 2d20 DEF Conc chk [3]/d)
4th(3): Acd Pit:C4, Dim Door:T4, DrgnBrth:K4@9.
3rd(5): Abltv Barr:C3, Hgtn Bttr Blst:K4@9, Hero:E3, Firball:K3, Haste:T3.
2nd(5): Acd Arrw:K2, Blur:I2, Invis:I2, Flm Sph:K2, Flrry Snoball:K2.
1st(6)[2]: Ear-prc Scrm:K1, InfrnlHeal:T1, MagArmr:C1, MagMssl:K1, Shld:A1, Shk Grsp:K1.
0th(4@will): Det Mag:D0, Mend:T0, Mssg:T0, Prstdg:U0.
BObj: spon cast with book in 1hnd a spell (≤ Max Spl Slot) in book 1/day.


SplBk: Abjuration(A), Divination(D), Enchantment(E), evoKation(K), Illusion(I), Necromancy(N), Transmutation(T), Universal(U). Notation: {SplName}:{school}{SplLvl}@{CstrLvl}.
Fourth(20): Lsr Glb Invuln:A4, Stonskin:A4, Acid Pit:C4, Blk Tentcls:C4, Dim Door:C4, Sum Mon 4:C4, Loc Crtr:D4, Chrm Mon:E4, Confsn:E4, Ball Lgtn:K4, Drgn Brth:K4, Emerg Frc Sph:K4, Ice Storm:K4, W Fire:K4, Grtr Invis:I4, Enrvtn:N4, Bst Shp 2:T4, Ele Body 1:T4, Fey Form 1:T4, Grtr Make Whol:T4.
Third(28): Clay Skin:A3, Disp Mag:A3, Mag Cir vs E:A3, Prot Enrg:A3, Abltv Barr:C3, Aqu Orb:C3, Mad Mnky:C3, Pellet Blst:C3, Phntm Steed:C3, Spkd Pit:C3, Sum Mon 3:C3, Clairaud/voy:D3, Deep Slmbr:E3, Hero:E3, Sggstn:E3, Bttr Blst:K3, Daylgt:K3, Fireball:K3, Lgtnbolt:K3, Tiny Hut:K3, Wind W:K3, Displ:I3, Gntl Reps:N3, R Exhst:N3, Vamp Tch:N3, Bst Shp 1:T3, Blink:T3, Bld Sentnl:T3, Fly:T3, Grtr Mag Wpn:T3, Haste:T3, Keen Edge:T3, Resiz Itm:T3, Sec Pg:T3, Shrink Itm:T3, Slow:T3, UnD Antmy 1:T3, Wtr Brth:T3.
Scnd(35): Book Ward:A2, Prot Arrw:A2, Rst Enrg:A2, Acid Arrw:C2, Creat Pit:C2, Glttrdust:C2, Stone Call:C2, Sum Mon 2:C2, AAZ Focus:D2, Loc Obj:D2, See Invis:D2, Bstw Insgt:E2, Bstw Wpn Prfc:E2, Hids Lghtr:E2, Tch Idiot:E2, Cont Flm:K2, Flm Sph:K2, Flrry Snoball:K2, Scorch R:K2, Blur:I2, Invis:I2, Mir Img:I2, Silent Tbl:I2, Blind/Deaf:N2, Fls Life:N2, Spec Hnd:N2, Air Step:T2, Alter Self:T2, B Con:T2, B Str:T2, C Dex:T2, Drkvis:T2, Make Whol:T2, Mwk Trns:T2, Spdr Clmb:T2.
First(40): Prot E:A1, Shld:A1, Air Bubl:C1, Endur Ele:A1, Grease:C1, Infrnl Heal:C1, Mag Armr:C1, Obs Mist:C1, Sum Mon 1:C1, Unsn Srvnt:C1, Comp Lang:D1, Hgtn Aware:D1, Ident:D1, Sure Cast:D1, True Strk:D1, Chrm Per:E1, Momt Grt:E1, Ear-prc Scrm:K1, Float Disk:K1, Mag Mssl:K1, Shk Grsp:K1, Snoball:K1, Dsgs Self:I1, Ill Calm:I1, Vansh:I1, Ventrilo:I1, Presrv:N1, R Enfeeb:N1, Tch Blind:N1, Break:T1, Coin Shot:T1, Crft Frtn:T1, Enlrg Per:T1, Exp Rtrt:T1, Fthr Fall:T1, Grav Bow:T1, Librtn Cmmd:T1, Long Arm:T1, Rdc Per:T1, Rfn Imprv Wpn:T1.
Zero(25): Rst:A0, Acd Splsh:C0, Det Mag:D0, Det Poi:D0, Grsp:D0, Rd Mag:D0, Daze:E0, Danc Lgt:K0, Flare:K0, Lgt:K0, R Frst:K0, Spark:K0, Ghst Snd:I0, Hnt Aspct:I0, Vac Vssl:I0, Bleed:N0, DsrptUnD:N0, TchFatg:N0, Mag Hnd:T0, Mend:T0, Mssg:T0, Opn/Cls:T0, Scrv Chant:T0, Arcn Mrk:U0, Prstdg:U0.
=== end of spellbook ===

Abil: [10, 16(14)(+3), 11, 24(22)(+7), 12(+1), 10], 25pt [10,14,11,18,12,10] & race +2 Int, 4th:+1 Int, 8th:+1 Int, headband Int +2, belt Dex +2.
BAB: +4, CMB:+4 CMD: 17.
Race: [one at +2], Lang:common, {regional}.
Alt Race: -.
Prfc: club(rod), dagger, hvy & lgt crossbow, quarterstaff.

Skills(rnk 64+8): Acro +6(3), Apprᶜ +15(5), Bluff +1(1), Clmb, Crftᶜ(alchemy +15(5), armor +15(5), weapon +15(5)), Diplo, Dis Dev, Dsgs, Esc Art, Flyᶜ +11(5), Hndl Anml, Heal +2(1), Intmd, Knowᶜ(arcn +15(5), dngn +11(1), engr +11(1), geog +11(1), hist +18(HB), locl +11(1), natr +11(1), nobl +11(1), plns +11(1), rlgn +11(1)), Lingᶜ +11(1), Prcp +9(8), Pfrm, Profᶜ(merchant +9(5)), Ride +10/8(5){+2}, Sns Mtv +2(1), SoH, Splcrftᶜ +18(8), Stlth +4(1), Survl, Swim, UMD. ᶜCls skl, ˢSkl Fcs

Lang: common(taldan), kelish{rgnl}, osirani, celestial, draconic, abyssal, infernal, gnomish, azlanti, anc osiriani(HB), [auran, terran, ignan, aquan](RoE).

Cmbt Gear:
SLWS: wand:Vanish:I1@1[50] $375ᶿ, wand:Obs Mist:C1@1[50] $375ᶿ; Bndlr[8+8]: Pot:Cure Lgt Wnd:C1@1 [1] $50, flsk alch fire [4] $80, vial antiplague $50, vial antitoxin $50, vial twitch tonic $45, vial smelling salts $25, wand:Infrnl Heal:T1@1[50] $375ᶿ; wand:Hgtn Aware:D1@1[50] $375ᶿ; wand:Grav Bow:T1@1[50] $375ᶿ; BP: PotSponge:Air Bubl:C1@1 $52. = $2227 Note: self crafted(ᶿ).

(+1/+0) mwk blackwood quarterstaff smpl 2hnd dbl wpn (1d6+1 c20 *2)B, Blkwd: crtr[water] ignore DR/(1 to 2*enhc), Hrd:9 HP:20 2lb $2680; (2) cold iron(cFe) kunai (1d4 c20 *2)B|P Rng:10ft, tool, Hrd:10 HP:2 wt:2*2lb $8, (4) obsdn dagger smpl lgt wpn/thrw (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S Rng:10ft {fragile} Hrd:5 HP:2, 4*0.75lb $4; mwk hvy crossbow smpl 2hnd rngd wpn (1d10 c19+ *2)P Rng:120ft Hrd:5 HP:5 12lb, load 1 bolt 2hnd Full actn pvk AoO $350; Ammo: durable cold iron(cldFe) & AgWpnBlch [10] 5+20gp, thistle [4] poi bleed 1d6r $4; = $3071

(2) bandolier(Bdlr) [8] $2*0.5; spring-loaded wrist sheath(SLWS) [2] $2*5; wiz kit (backpack(BP), bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink & inkpen, iron pot, mess kit, soap 1/2lb, torches [10], trail rations [5]d, waterskin 4lb) 21lb $21; 50’ silk rope HP:4 5lb $10; signal whistle $0.8; (2) canteen 2*4lb $2*2; (2) sack stows 60lb 2*0.5lb $2*0.5;
Cresso adv horse war trained $300 trick(atk, come, defend, down, guard, heel), mil saddle +2 crcm stay in saddle, uncons 75% stay in saddle wt:30lb $20, bit & bridle wt:1lb $2, saddlebags(SB) weatherproof 20# stowage wt:8lb $4; Sack:horse feed [6] wt:60lb $0.6; = $374.4

Aegis of recovery [neck] +2 rst cont saves, at HP:0 (2d8+3)heal & destroyed $750ᶿ; Cloak of resistance +3 [shldr] $4500ᶿ; Headband of Int +2 [hdbnd] $2000ᶿ; Belt of Dex +2 [belt] $2000ᶿ; Ring of Eloquence [ring] Lang:(aquan, auran,ignan, terran) $3500; Spellguard Bracers [wrist] cast DEF +2 Conc Chk, roll twice take better 3/d $2500ᶿ; Pearl Power 1:(2) $2000; Pearly Wht Spndl Crk’d Ioun Stn [none] regen 1/hr $3400; Tourm Sph Ioun Stn [none] +2 Con for dying $1000; Scribed Scr: B Con:T2@3 $75ᶿ; Scr: Make Whole:T2@3 $75ᶿ, Scr: Lsr Glb Invuln:A4@7 $350ᶿ, spellbook (0:25*$0, 1:(40-13)*($5+5) 2:(35-8)*($20+20), 3:(28-8)*($45+45) 4:(20-8)*($80+80)) $5070 = $27220.
cash: 33000-32892.4 +706.35(Hedge Mag) = $813.85


T1: Exemplar(Mag): Mag Lineage(Mag) battering blast:K3.
T2: Exemplar(Mag): Hedge Mag: -5% cost to Craft any magic item.

HF: Point-blank Shot: Rng wpns +1(+1) ≤30ft.
F1: Precise Shot: Rng & Thrwn wpns no atk cmbt cover {-4 pnlty}.
W1: BondObj(Bonded Book: no scribed spell limit, SplCrft for others to copy/prepare from book +10 DC, gains 4(rather than 2) free spells per level, scribe at 50% cost & 50% time, preparation time at 33% (1hr→20min all spls, 5 min min for 25% of spls, spon cast with book in 1hnd a spell (≤ Max Spl Slot) in book 1/day. Replace book with Int bonus (random) scribed spells & all mundane info as bonded object. Book becomes mundane blank spellbook upon death.); Grt Odyessy: Mount(Sp): mount:C1@[Wiz/2] w Splcrft for Ride chks 1/d; MstrMariner(Su): at 8th control boat/ship with maintained Conc as (Wiz) crew w Splcrft for Prof(sailor) chks; SchlSpcl. Starting Spellbook 0th:all, 1st:3 +Int bonus = 8.
W1BF: Scribe Scroll.
F3: Spl Fcs: evoKation(K) +1 DC.
Abil4: Int +1.
F5: Varisian Tattoo(K) +1 CL & SLA danc lgts:K0@Lvl 3/d.
Wiz5BF: Craft Wondrous Item.
F7: Craft Wand.
Abil 8: Int +1 to 22(+6).
Lvl 8: Wiz 7 BAB +4 +2,2,6, Spls+Int: 0:4, 1:4+2, 2:3+2, 3:3+2, 4:2+1.

alternate Feats (keep crafting feats to 50% of total feats)
MetaMag: Heighten Spl (+N) increase SplLvl & DC.
Preferred Spell (Battering Blast) need decent attack MetaMag like Intensify, Empower, or Persistent.
MetaMag: Reach Spl (+N) range increase in catgry [tch, cls, med, long] of 1 to 3.
MetaMag: Persistent Spl (+2) Spl must have save, tgrts make 2 saves to avoid.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor.
Craft Construct (reqs CrftMA&A, CrftW).

*whew* by Azothath

taking Ludotys to 11th with WBL $82000 gear.

Ludotys Libersacer Wiz-Poleheira Adherent 11
NN med sz human humnoid (m) age:28 ht:5’11” wt:175lb. (BMI 24.4 nrml)
Home: Oenopion Nex Politic: n/a Venerate: Nethys CN, Haagenti CE
Init: +3, Sense:, Prcptn:+17

AC: 17[21], tch 17, fftd 14[18] (+4[frc] armr, [+4 shld], +3 Dex).
HP: 67 (11d6) {PFS=6 +10*(4) +11 +10*1{FCB}}.
Saves: Fort +8, Rflx +10, Will +12
DEF: regen 1/hr (Immun bleed), Con 15 for dying.
MOVE Spd:30

Mle: (+2/+0) mwk blkwd qtrstaff +7 or +3, -2 (1d6+2, 1d6 c19+ *2)B
Mle: cFe kunai +5 (1d4 c20+ *2)B|P. {dagger: similar but (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S see below}
Rng: obsdn dagger thrw +9≤30’ or +8 (1d4 +1≤30’ c19+ *2)P Rng:10’.
Rng: (+2) mwk hvy crossbow +10≤30’ or +9 (1d10 +2≤30’ else +1 c19+ *2)P Rng:120ft.
Rng: " Grav Bow +10≤30’ or +9 (2d8 +2≤30’ else +1 c19+ *2)P Rng:120ft.
  Ammo: dur cldFe & AgWpnBlch [10 ], dur adamt blunt [4], thistle [4 ] poi bleed 1d6r. Load 1 bolt Full actn pvk AoO.

Tattoo SLA danc lgts:K0@(Lvl+1) 3/d.
Arcn Spells Prpd (CL 11 {K:+1}; DC= SplLvl+8 {K:+1}; Conc(Int) +21 {K:+1}, roll 2d20 DEF Conc chk [3]/d)
6th(2): Cosmic R:K6, Getaway:C6, {Conting:6K@11 w “HP<30” then BlinkT3@11}
5th(3): Acd Spry:C5, Cone Cold:K6, Feeblmnd:E5.
4th(5): Acd Pit:C4, DrgnBrth:K4, DrgnBrth:K4, Grtr Invis:I4, Enrvtn:N4.
3rd(6): Abltv Barr:C3, Pllt Blst:C3, Bounce Bttr Blst:K3@12, Hero:E3, Haste:T3.
2nd(6)[1]: Acd Arrw:K2, Blur:I2, Mir Img:I2, Flm Sph:K2, Flrry Snoball:K2.
1st(6)[2]: Ear-prc Scrm:K1, InfrnlHeal:T1, MagArmr:C1, MagMssl:K1, Shld:A1, Shk Grsp:K1.
0th(4@will): Det Mag:D0, Mend:T0, Mssg:T0, Prstdg:U0.
BObj: spon cast with book in 1hnd a spell (≤ Max Spl Slot) in book 1/day. Rod MMag Silent 1-3 [3], Rod MMag Empwr 1-3 [3].


SplBk: Abjuration(A), Divination(D), Enchantment(E), evoKation(K), Illusion(I), Necromancy(N), Transmutation(T), Universal(U). Notation: {SplName}:{school}{SplLvl}@{CstrLvl}.
Sixth(14): Grtr Disp Mag:A6, Glb Invuln:A6, Getaway:C6, Sum Mon 6:C6, Lgnd Lore:D6, Grtr Hero:E6, Chain Lgtn:K6, Contng:K6, Cosmic R:K6, Undth->Dth:N6, Disnt:T6, Elem Body 3:T6, Fey Form 2:T6, UnD Antmy 3:T6.
Fifth(19): Brk Ench:A5, Life Bbl:A5, Acd Spry:C5, Sum Mon 5:C5, Walk Plnk:C6, W Stone:C6, Comun Text:D6, Feeblmnd:E5, Mndfog:E5, Cone Cld:K5, W Frc:K5, Grtr Onrc Horr:I5, Mag Jar:N5, Sffctn:N5, Elem Body 2:T5, Fabrct:T5, Ovr Fly:T5, Plnr Adpt:T5, UnD Antmy 2:T5.
Fourth(24): Dim Anchr:A4, Lsr Glb Invuln:A4, Rmv Curs:A45, Stonskin:A4, Acid Pit:C4, Blk Tentcls:C4, Dim Door:C4, Sum Mon 4:C4, Loc Crtr:D4, Chrm Mon:E4, Confsn:E4, Ball Lgtn:K4, Drgn Brth:K4, Emerg Frc Sph:K4, Ice Storm:K4, W Fire:K4, Grtr Invis:I4, Enrvtn:N4, Bst Shp 2:T4, Grtr Drkvis:T4, Ele Body 1:T4, Fey Form 1:T4, Grtr Make Whol:T4, Ston Shp:T4.
Third(28): Clay Skin:A3, Disp Mag:A3, Mag Cir vs E:A3, Prot Enrg:A3, Abltv Barr:C3, Aqu Orb:C3, Mad Mnky:C3, Pellet Blst:C3, Phntm Steed:C3, Spkd Pit:C3, Sum Mon 3:C3, Clairaud/voy:D3, Deep Slmbr:E3, Hero:E3, Sggstn:E3, Bttr Blst:K3, Daylgt:K3, Fireball:K3, Lgtnbolt:K3, Tiny Hut:K3, Wind W:K3, Displ:I3, Gntl Reps:N3, R Exhst:N3, Vamp Tch:N3, Bst Shp 1:T3, Blink:T3, Bld Sentnl:T3, Fly:T3, Grtr Mag Wpn:T3, Haste:T3, Keen Edge:T3, Resiz Itm:T3, Sec Pg:T3, Shrink Itm:T3, Slow:T3, UnD Antmy 1:T3, Wtr Brth:T3.
Scnd(35): Book Ward:A2, Prot Arrw:A2, Rst Enrg:A2, Acid Arrw:C2, Creat Pit:C2, Glttrdust:C2, Stone Call:C2, Sum Mon 2:C2, AAZ Focus:D2, Loc Obj:D2, See Invis:D2, Bstw Insgt:E2, Bstw Wpn Prfc:E2, Hids Lghtr:E2, Tch Idiot:E2, Cont Flm:K2, Flm Sph:K2, Flrry Snoball:K2, Scorch R:K2, Blur:I2, Invis:I2, Mir Img:I2, Silent Tbl:I2, Blind/Deaf:N2, Fls Life:N2, Spec Hnd:N2, Air Step:T2, Alter Self:T2, B Con:T2, B Str:T2, C Dex:T2, Drkvis:T2, Make Whol:T2, Mwk Trns:T2, Spdr Clmb:T2.
First(40): Prot E:A1, Shld:A1, Air Bubl:C1, Endur Ele:A1, Grease:C1, Infrnl Heal:C1, Mag Armr:C1, Obs Mist:C1, Sum Mon 1:C1, Unsn Srvnt:C1, Comp Lang:D1, Hgtn Aware:D1, Ident:D1, Sure Cast:D1, True Strk:D1, Chrm Per:E1, Momt Grt:E1, Ear-prc Scrm:K1, Float Disk:K1, Mag Mssl:K1, Shk Grsp:K1, Snoball:K1, Dsgs Self:I1, Ill Calm:I1, Vansh:I1, Ventrilo:I1, Presrv:N1, R Enfeeb:N1, Tch Blind:N1, Break:T1, Coin Shot:T1, Crft Frtn:T1, Enlrg Per:T1, Exp Rtrt:T1, Fthr Fall:T1, Grav Bow:T1, Librtn Cmmd:T1, Long Arm:T1, Rdc Per:T1, Rfn Imprv Wpn:T1.
Zero(25): Rst:A0, Acd Splsh:C0, Det Mag:D0, Det Poi:D0, Grsp:D0, Rd Mag:D0, Daze:E0, Danc Lgt:K0, Flare:K0, Lgt:K0, R Frst:K0, Spark:K0, Ghst Snd:I0, Hnt Aspct:I0, Vac Vssl:I0, Bleed:N0, DsrptUnD:N0, TchFatg:N0, Mag Hnd:T0, Mend:T0, Mssg:T0, Opn/Cls:T0, Scrv Chant:T0, Arcn Mrk:U0, Prstdg:U0.
=== end of spellbook ===

Abil: [10, 16{14}(+3), 13{11}(+1), 26{22}(+8), 12(+1), 10], 25pt [10,14,11,18,12,10] & race +2 Int, 4th:+1 Wis, 8th:+1 Int, headband Int +4, belt Dex +2 Con +2.
BAB: +5, CMB:+5 CMD: 18.
Race: [one at +2], Lang:common, {regional}.
Alt Race: -.
Prfc: club(rod), dagger, hvy & lgt crossbow, quarterstaff.

Skills(rnk 88+11): Acro +11(3){+5}, Apprᶜ +15(5), Bluff +1(1), Clmb, Crftᶜ(alchemy +14(6), armor +15(5), weapon +15(5)), Diplo, Dis Dev, Dsgs, Esc Art, Flyᶜ +12(6), Hndl Anml, Heal +2(1), Intmd, Knowᶜ(arcn +18(7), dngn +12(1), engr +12(1), geog +22(HB/1), hist +22(HB/1), locl +12(1), natr +16(5), nobl +12(1), plns +18(7), rlgn +18(5)), Lingᶜ +12(1), Prcp +17(11){+5}, Pfrm, Profᶜ(merchant +9(5)), Ride +12/10(7){+2}, Sns Mtv +4(3), SoH, Splcrftᶜ +20(8), Stlth +6(3), Survl, Swim, UMD. ᶜCls skl, ˢSkl Fcs
Lang: common(taldan), kelish{rgnl}, osirani, celestial, draconic, abyssal, infernal, gnomish, azlanti, anc osiriani(HB), anc thassalonian(HB) [auran, terran, ignan, aquan](RoE).

Cmbt Gear:
SLWS: wand:Vanish:I1@1[50] $375ᶿ, wand:Obs Mist:C1@1[50] $375ᶿ; Bndlr[8+8]: Pot:Cure Lgt Wnd:C1@1 [1] $50, flsk alch fire [4] $80, vial antiplague $50, vial antitoxin $50, vial twitch tonic $45, vial smelling salts $25, wand:Infrnl Heal:T1@1[50] $375ᶿ; wand:Hgtn Aware:D1@1[50] $375ᶿ; wand:Grav Bow:T1@1[50] $375ᶿ; BP: PotSponge:Air Bubl:C1@1 $52. = $2227

(+2/+0) mwk blackwood quarterstaff smpl 2hnd dbl wpn (1d6+2, 1d6+2 c20 *2)B, Blkwd: crtr[water] ignore DR/(4 (=2*enhc)), Hrd:11 HP:30 2lb $4680ᶿ; (2) cold iron(cFe) kunai (1d4 c20 *2)B|P Rng:10ft, tool, Hrd:10 HP:2 wt:2*2lb $8, (4) obsdn dagger smpl lgt wpn/thrw (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S Rng:10ft {fragile} Hrd:5 HP:2, 4*0.75lb $4; (+2) mwk hvy crossbow smpl 2hnd rngd wpn (1d10+2 c19+ *2)P Rng:120ft Hrd:9 HP:25 12lb, load 1 bolt 2hnd Full actn pvk AoO $4350; Ammo: durable cold iron(cldFe) & AgWpnBlch [10] 5+20gp, dur adamt blunt [4] $244.8; thistle [4] poi bleed 1d6r $4; = $9315.8

(2) bandolier(Bdlr) [8] $2*0.5; spring-loaded wrist sheath(SLWS) [2] $2*5; wiz kit (backpack(BP), bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink & inkpen, iron pot, mess kit, soap 1/2lb, torches [10], trail rations [5]d, waterskin 4lb) 21lb $21; 50’ silk rope HP:4 5lb $10; signal whistle $0.8; (2) canteen 2*4lb $2*2; (2) sack stows 60lb 2*0.5lb $2*0.5;
Cresso adv horse war trained $300 trick(atk, come, defend, down, guard, heel), mil saddle +2 crcm stay in saddle, uncons 75% stay in saddle wt:30lb $20, bit & bridle wt:1lb $2, saddlebags(SB) weatherproof 20# stowage wt:8lb $4; Sack:horse feed [6] wt:60lb $0.6; = $374.4 {likely called horse will replace Cresso}

Lore Needle [head] use one Know skill for another 3/d $2000ᶿ; Headband of Int +4 [hdbnd] $8000ᶿ; Eyes of the Eagle [eye] $1250ᶿ; Aegis of recovery [neck] +2 rst cont saves, at HP:0 (2d8+3)heal & destroyed $750ᶿ; Cloak of resistance +4 [shldr] $8000ᶿ; Belt of Dex & Con +2 [belt] $5000ᶿ; Ring of Eloquence [ring] Lang:(aquan, auran,ignan, terran) $3500; Spellguard Bracers [wrist] cast DEF +2 Conc Chk, roll twice take better 3/d $2500ᶿ; Boots of Elvenkind [foot] $1250ᶿ; Pearl Power 1:(2) $2000, 2:(1) $4000; Pearly Wht Spndl Crk’d Ioun Stn [none] regen 1/hr $3400; Tourm Sph Ioun Stn [none] +2 Con for dying $1000; Handy Haversack [none] $1000ᶿ, Rod MMag Silent 1st-3rd $3000; Rod MMag Empower 1st-3rd $9000; Fortifying stone $500ᶿ; Scribed Scr: B Con:T2@3 $75ᶿ; Scr: Make Whole:T2@3 $75ᶿ, Scr: Lsr Glb Invuln:A4@7 $350ᶿ, Scr: Rmv Blind:C3@5 $375, Scr: Invgr Rpse:C5@9 $1125, Scr: Brth of Life:C5@9 $1125; spellbook (0:25*$0, 1:(40-13)*($5+5) 2:(35-8)*($20+20), 3:(28-8)*($45+45) 4:(24-8)*($80+80), 5:(19-8)*(125+125), 6:(14-4)*(180+180) ) $12060 = $71335
cash: 82000-2227-9315.8-374.4-71335+1912.5(Hedge Mag) = $660.3

F9: MetaMag: Heighten Spl (+N) increase SplLvl & DC.
Wiz10BF: MMag: Bouncing Spell (+1).
F11: Craft Magic Arms and Armor.

alternate Feats
MMag: Intensified Spell (+1).

sample build posted by Azothath

see also -
Azothath's Homebrew: Wizard archetype Tutelary{replaces Pact Wiz(HHH)}
Azothath's Homebrew: Purchased Mounts and in particular horses with scaling Hit Die & Prices
Azothath's Builds: Wiz arch Spell Sage @ 5th & 11th
Azothath's Builds: Sor arch Raz Prst at 5th & 11th along with a Clr1 Wiz4|10 for comparison
Azothath's Builds: Mage-killer build FlowMonk2 Wiz(Divnr)7
Azothath's Builds: Bard builds

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