impact of Drift Crisis (on this AP)

Fly Free or Die

My group is jumping back into Starfinder (1e) after a 2 year break. We are on book 2 of the Fly Free or Die AP and just introduced the Drift Crisis!

(As GM) I've decided to leave it "broken" since the players are not focused on being heroes and fixing things ... instead, they plan to try to capitalize on the situation.

(i.e. The Drift crashed and now, its going to be chaotic for days/weeks/months as it slowly "re-stabilizes" into Drift 2.0 ... which I want to be near the end of the campaign, not happen over night)

This raised a lot of questions;

Impact of travel times
It seems all traffic (if possible) defaults to 10d6 during crisis ... so about double the "pre crisis" value of 5d6 (for Vast, 3d6 for Near Space)

Does that mean players will need to complete (twice) as many deliveries to make up for the extra durations?

Pilot check DC to navigate during CRISIS ?
The pilot skill mentions GM can "increase DC by 5 or 10" (based on circumstances)

So maybe, +5 for Pact Worlds / Near Space and +10 for the Vast ? Is that feasible for level 3 players?

The rules only show adjustments from (-2 to +1 bp/lot) based on destination.

Since all routes are now going from 5d6 to 10d6 average flight time ... seems like a +1 or +2 BP boost could be relevant.

alternate FTL engines
assuming this optional suggested idea is used ... how do we balance out the fact every alternate "engine" has a differing BP cost.

As GM, do we just ignore that part of the rules and assume each new one simply "magically fits" into the "prototype adapter"? and ignore the impact the increased BP "cost" has on the overall ship??

or are players faced with difficult choices like dropping all their ship weapons or shields, etc ... to make room for this more expensive drive??

Advice or Suggestions?
I'm curious to hear how other GMs have integrated the DRIFT CRISIS into their FFoD campaigns.

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