[BD's PFS1(CORE)] Gameday XIII: #6-10: The Wounded Wisp


This is an official recruitment thread for the Thirteenth Online Play by Post Gameday. We will be playing Scenario #6-10: The Wounded Wisp, which is designed for levels 1–2. Play will begin on opening day of the Gameday: September 8, 2024. This table is for CORE characters only.

Paizo wrote:

More than 400 years have transpired since the Pathfinder Society began in a humble tavern that has quietly weathered the centuries without incident. When a routine errand there uncovers a clue left behind by one of the founding Pathfinders, it’s up to the PCs to solve a puzzle whose pieces are scattered across Absalom—and whose prize dates back to the Society’s darkest years.

"The Wounded Wisp" is an evergreen, replayable scenario designed to help introduce players to the history of the Pathfinder Society and Absalom’s greatest sites.

Written by Thurston Hillman.

Players should:

  • Be a registered member of Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

  • Apply & post with a complete, legal CORE character of appropriate level. Please include your PFS number for your submitted character on the Alias profile and/or post it to the discussion thread with the form I provide for information for your Chronicle Sheet. I am open to any format of character sheet, but please make sure all information is available and easy to find.

  • Commit to check in and post at least once per day on weekdays. Post rate is key in keeping a PBP fresh and interesting for all who participate. I will always understand that life comes first, but this is Official Society Play. Habitual stragglers will be asked to step down if I feel they are not carrying their weight as Pathfinders.

As your GM, I will:

  • Finalize tables by September 7, 2024, if not before then, and begin the game before 11:59 pm my time on September 8, 2024.

  • Update the Gameplay thread at least once per day during the week as well as once over the weekend or do my best to notify the group of the reason for the delay as soon as I am able.

  • Report our progress and send out Chronicle sheets at the conclusion of the scenario.

  • Respond in a timely manner to any questions or concerns. This includes guiding new players who need help.

I will be looking for a balanced party and will select from applicants here. I confess that I don’t like botting players. I prefer that another PC perform that function and if you will be willing to keep an eye out for when a player’s 24 hour grace period has expired and bot the absent player, please indicate this in your application and it will be a mark in your favor. I will also likely post a call for a bot action in the discussion thread as I begin work on the next post. If no one bots the absent player, I will delay them and drop their position in initiative order accordingly.

This scenario is evergreen for level 1 characters, so bring a fresh face if you can. I’m happy to accept level 2 CORE characters as well, but be aware that it isn’t infinitely replayable for level 2.

I'm looking forward to a great Gameday. Let's have some fun!

Gameday begins tomorrow and without enough applicants to fill a table, I will populate this game with my regular CORE group as it's my turn to run. Hope everyone has a good time and finds a place at a table for the event!

Liberty's Edge

Reporting for Duty!

PFS # 95621-1

Torrin Garr - Fighter 1

Character in profile! It's been a while, so if I've missed something (or added something I shouldn't have)... please let me know.


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