Prismatic Sphere question; hit by all colors when attacking?

Rules Questions

This line from Prismatic Sphere is confusing:

Other creatures that attempt to attack you or pass through suffer the effects of each color, one at a time.

So does that mean if I, say, shoot an arrow at the prismatic sphere, I'll be struck by each color? Or only the color stopping ranged weapons? (Red)

The wording is not meant to imply ranged attacks, but instead creatures attempting reach or swing into it. I also wouldn't assume it applies to a reach weapon either (unless the distance they needed to reach would feasibly require them to put at least some part of their hand or arm into the barrier to reach you). Those attacks would all be stopped (or affected) by one of the wall's colors. The sentence you are referencing basically applies to a creature trying to pass or breach it, even if only to reach inside it (to touch or grab you or swing a non-reach weapon).

The spell is based on prismatic wall so they likely were just building off the mechanics of that and didn't want to go into heavy wordcount. If we were just reading that line all by itself, stand alone, with no context, it could be ruled as just any creature trying to attack you, from any distance, with anything considered an attack, even pushing a boulder off a cliff to fall on you... but in this case I think the surrounding context of how wall effects works applies.

Barachiel Shina wrote:

This line from Prismatic Sphere is confusing:

Other creatures that attempt to attack you or pass through suffer the effects of each color, one at a time.

So does that mean if I, say, shoot an arrow at the prismatic sphere, I'll be struck by each color? Or only the color stopping ranged weapons? (Red)

Prismatic Sphere:A9

it is pretty clear but you should read the entire spell. Classically the rainbow goes from low to higher frequency, or mnemonically "ROYGBIV", so Red is first and this matches the referenced spell prismatic wall where the order is enumerated. Prismatic Sphere references prismatic wall:A8 then prismatic spray:K7 in the mythic version {in case you have questions}.

In your example the ranged attack arrow hits the Red wall first (Stops nonmagical ranged weapons. Deals 20 points of fire damage (Reflex half).). Objects have hardness so the 20 [fire] goes against that if they survive, so (just an example) for a wooden arrow(Hrd:5 HP:0) 10-5=5 dmg and destroyed. How a GM does magical arrows is a bit tricky, but I'd say (+1) enhc is Hrd:7 HP:1 which is still destroyed.

Azothath wrote:
In your example the ranged attack arrow hits the Red wall first (Stops nonmagical ranged weapons. Deals 20 points of fire damage (Reflex half).). Objects have hardness so the 20 [fire] goes against that if they survive, so (just an example) for a wooden arrow(Hrd:5 HP:0) 10-5=5 dmg and destroyed. How a GM does magical arrows is a bit tricky, but I'd say (+1) enhc is Hrd:7 HP:1 which is still destroyed.

This is incorrect, the red layer stops all non-magical ranged weapons, not by damage, but by magical effect. A magic arrow would be stopped by the orange layer completely, not based on damage. It would not specifically take the red layer's damage to get there (but nothing wrong with saying so), since that's for creatures. For instance, a hypothetical artifact arrow would still be stopped by the orange layer, even though it wouldn't be damaged.

Also, a +1 arrow technically has hardness 7, and 11 hp. Can be important for shooting blindly through a wall of fire for instance.

Majuba wrote:
Azothath wrote:
In your example the ranged attack arrow hits the Red wall first (Stops nonmagical ranged weapons. Deals 20 points of fire damage (Reflex half).). Objects have hardness so the 20 [fire] goes against that if they survive, so (just an example) for a wooden arrow(Hrd:5 HP:0) 10-5=5 dmg and destroyed. How a GM does magical arrows is a bit tricky, but I'd say (+1) enhc is Hrd:7 HP:1 which is still destroyed.

This is incorrect, the red layer stops all non-magical ranged weapons, not by damage, but by magical effect. A magic arrow would be stopped by the orange layer completely, not based on damage. It would not specifically take the red layer's damage to get there (but nothing wrong with saying so), since that's for creatures. For instance, a hypothetical artifact arrow would still be stopped by the orange layer, even though it wouldn't be damaged.

Also, a +1 arrow technically has hardness 7, and 11 hp. Can be important for shooting blindly through a wall of fire for instance.

it's correct & why I said "just an example" as I'm well aware of the magical effect. I didn't progress past the first Red layer. I thought about replacing it with a spear but for simplicity and the OP just stuck with the object at hand.

On HPs it's tricky(a matter of GM taste) with 20 arrows (I understand how you did yours) and no defined HPs other than 5 & 5 for projectile weapons (the Game is rather coarse in its definitions), thus 5/20 <1 and 0. With +1 you'd add 10 but 15/20 is still less than 1 but at 0.75 HP:1 isn't unreasonable. I get that people just assume 1 then add 10 for (+1) enhc but there are 20 arrows with one enchantment...Magic Ammunition and Breakage: When a magic arrow, crossbow bolt, or sling bullet misses its target, there is a 50% chance it breaks or is otherwise rendered useless. A magic arrow, bolt, or bullet that successfully hits a target is automatically destroyed after it delivers its damage.breakage seems likely with Hrd:5 HP:0 but highly improbable with Hrd:7 HP:11 other than the above rule
As a side note I'd cast durable arrows as Hrd:6 HP:1 as to why they don't break (per mostly unrealistic RAW). 【ツ】

Glad to see you're somewhat active (even if to complain about my posts)

Azothath wrote:
... enchantment ...

enhancement... lol...

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