Mathmuse |
An effect that gives the clumsy condition sets the value for it. Most assign clumsy 1, but a few give higher values.
Several poisons and diseases give clumsy condition, too many to list. Other sources are:
• A critical hit with a weapon with a Crushing weapon property rune. Greater Crushing gives clumsy 2.
• A critical hit with a Redpitch Bomb. A greater redpitch bomb gives clumsy 2 and a major redpitch bomb gives clumsy 3.
• The critical specialization of a weapon in the spear weapon category.
• A Setup snare.
• The Jinx action of the Jinxed Halfling heritage.
• The Vicious Debilitations feat of ruffian rogues.
• Several spells, starting with Befuddle arcane spell 1, Coral Scourge arcane/primal spell 3, and Magical Fetters arcane/occult spell 3. See the search for clumsy spells at Archives of Nethys. Tempest Surge stormborn druid focus spell can give clumsy 2.
Finoan |
Correct. The ability that is applying Clumsy or other conditions with values should also be defining the value of the condition.
You shouldn't ever encounter a published ability that says, "You apply Clumsy with whatever value you decide to." Applying Clumsy 38 seems a bit overpowered.
If you are the GM and deciding on a new homebrewed ability that applies clumsy, you will probably want to stick to Clumsy 1 unless you are patterning the ability on something else that is giving a higher value of Clumsy.