Basic Undead


Blonde cousin who spends way too much time hunting for min-max gestalt combos and pestering me with text questions and combos constantly, look away now to avoid spoilers for our upcoming campaign.

Starting a new campaign soon, where all 4 players will die and be turned into undead a few minutes after starting. Ideally, I'd like for them all to be different kinds of basic-tier undead, but so far I've only got zombies and skeletons. Any help would be much appreciated.

We got skeletons, zombies, ghouls, ghosts, vampires (+spawn), and mummies.

You can look at different templates if you want to build on their PC at monster templates

The above are all covered.
Ghoulish creature template for example.

Thanks so much.

*insert joke about player vs. character*

If you need ideas for undead campaigns. check out the old Ravenloft supplement "Requiem: the Grim Harvest" for ideas, both about appropriate types of undead and how to run games with undead PCs. It's 2e so you will have to do some balancing if you use stuff. There's also the 3e Ghostwalk setting which is worth looking into.

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