Fix operative

Playtest General Discussion


Anybody know if they fix or will fix the operative in 2e ?
The issues that always come up in a group is the operative can do everything why would I specialize. Mainly the fact that he is way overboard as a skill juncky attach to the crazy movement.

Operative is probably getting a significant rework in SF2e. A preview document showed that they will have 4+int starting skill proficiencies which is considerably less than PF2e rogue and there has been no mention of anything like the original Operative's Edge class feature which was a huge culprit in them being the universal skill monkey.

I think the assumption is that Operative is being reconceptualized as a specialist class with a few niches they can fill and a solid single-target damage through their 'Aim' ability. Given that they are an 8HP class and start at expert with certain weapons, it's looking like they are a hybrid of Gunslinger/Rogue.

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Master Han Del of the Web wrote:

Operative is probably getting a significant rework in SF2e. A preview document showed that they will have 4+int starting skill proficiencies which is considerably less than PF2e rogue and there has been no mention of anything like the Operative's Edge class feature which was a huge culprit in them being the universal skill monkey.

I think the assumption is that Operative is being reconceptualized as a specialist class with a few niches they can fill and a solid single-target damage through their 'Aim' ability. Given that they are an 8HP class and start at expert with certain weapons, it's looking like they are a hybrid of Gunslinger/Rogue.

Pretty much, they are explicitly no longer a skill monkey, but a "skill specialist". The most important skill being apparently "killing you".

It definitely only gets the normal amount of standard skill "upgrades" as the vast bulk of classes. Instead the specialist parts seems to come from at least one feature called "specialized skill set". Presumably some variation of the PF2 Swashbuckler's "Stylish Tricks" - pick a skill of a small pool determined by your subclass, which you will get free upgrades and skill feats for.

Also according to the preview, it retains superior mobility.

We're going to get much more detail on the Operative when their class packet comes out, but from what's been shown so far, the Operative is almost the opposite from their 1e counterpart, in that they're set to be highly specialized in a few skills, rather than good at lots of different skills at the same time. You'd therefore be much more likely to be good at skills the Operative hasn't specialized in, which should allow your own character's proficiency to shine. :)

Karmagator wrote:
Master Han Del of the Web wrote:

Operative is probably getting a significant rework in SF2e. A preview document showed that they will have 4+int starting skill proficiencies which is considerably less than PF2e rogue and there has been no mention of anything like the Operative's Edge class feature which was a huge culprit in them being the universal skill monkey.

I think the assumption is that Operative is being reconceptualized as a specialist class with a few niches they can fill and a solid single-target damage through their 'Aim' ability. Given that they are an 8HP class and start at expert with certain weapons, it's looking like they are a hybrid of Gunslinger/Rogue.

Pretty much, they are explicitly no longer a skill monkey, but a "skill specialist". The most important skill being apparently "killing you".

It definitely only gets the normal amount of standard skill "upgrades" as the vast bulk of classes. Instead the specialist parts seems to come from at least one feature called "specialized skill set". Presumably some variation of the PF2 Swashbuckler's "Stylish Tricks" - pick a skill of a small pool determined by your subclass, which you will get free upgrades and skill feats for.

Also according to the preview, it retains superior mobility.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how the Specialized Skill Set shakes out, especially with the loads of skill feats Thursty--think I misspelled it as Thirsty before, and hope I'm spelling it right now--has teased. I'm also hoping we get some more feats like some of the high level rogue ones that let us become downright cartoonishly good at a specific skill.

And the mobility is very welcome. Means you'll have smoother turns moving up in cover and taking pot shots.

Yes, you spelled Thursty right this time afaik ^^

And iirc, they said the Operative will definitely have many feats that heavily involve skill use.

Speaking of pot shots, we even know a 1st level feat for that - Peek. Strike and Take Cover as one action! So maybe there will be even more action compression feats as well, to compensate for Aim a little.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm interested to see what the knife-fighting operative is like, or an Operative that uses shorter range firearms (I'm partial to SMGs.) Something implied they would have a path for close quarters combat, I did get to see the sniper variant in action @ Unplugged, and that was pretty cool.

The-Magic-Sword wrote:
I'm interested to see what the knife-fighting operative is like, or an Operative that uses shorter range firearms (I'm partial to SMGs.) Something implied they would have a path for close quarters combat, I did get to see the sniper variant in action @ Unplugged, and that was pretty cool.

Yup, we definitely have a melee subclass (can use Aim with agile and possibly finesse melee weapons) and a sniper one confirmed. I'm pretty sure a pistol/dualwield one was as well, but that was months ago, so I don't quite remember ^^.

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Karmagator wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
I'm interested to see what the knife-fighting operative is like, or an Operative that uses shorter range firearms (I'm partial to SMGs.) Something implied they would have a path for close quarters combat, I did get to see the sniper variant in action @ Unplugged, and that was pretty cool.
Yup, we definitely have a melee subclass (can use Aim with agile and possibly finesse melee weapons) and a sniper one confirmed. I'm pretty sure a pistol/dualwield one was as well, but that was months ago, so I don't quite remember ^^.

"One-handed agile weapons" is the latest we heard, I believe, from the Roll for Combat interview stream.

Yup, that's where I have that from as well. Though it'd be kinda weird if it was only agile, not finesse, that's why I qualified that statement.

Melee inclusions for operative and soldier were the only major request I had so hearing about that stuff has me very excited for the release. A mid range operative all about knives and pistols is liable to get gunned down on the approach, but gods help me, it's the kind of assassin I'm going to build, lol.

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WWHsmackdown wrote:
Melee inclusions for operative and soldier were the only major request I had so hearing about that stuff has me very excited for the release. A mid range operative all about knives and pistols is liable to get gunned down on the approach, but gods help me, it's the kind of assassin I'm going to build, lol.

If the trends from SF1e hold steady, having a PC that can cover ground fast and get into melee is going to be really valuable for ruining the day of ranged/caster enemies and checking the movement of other melee specialists.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
WWHsmackdown wrote:
Melee inclusions for operative and soldier were the only major request I had so hearing about that stuff has me very excited for the release. A mid range operative all about knives and pistols is liable to get gunned down on the approach, but gods help me, it's the kind of assassin I'm going to build, lol.
If the trends from SF1e hold steady, having a PC that can cover ground fast and get into melee is going to be really valuable for ruining the day of ranged/caster enemies and checking the movement of other melee specialists.

Heck if trends from PF2e hold-- you can build in some serious speed if you try, and I'd assume SF will make that easier not harder to support it's melee characters.

The-Magic-Sword wrote:
Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
WWHsmackdown wrote:
Melee inclusions for operative and soldier were the only major request I had so hearing about that stuff has me very excited for the release. A mid range operative all about knives and pistols is liable to get gunned down on the approach, but gods help me, it's the kind of assassin I'm going to build, lol.
If the trends from SF1e hold steady, having a PC that can cover ground fast and get into melee is going to be really valuable for ruining the day of ranged/caster enemies and checking the movement of other melee specialists.
Heck if trends from PF2e hold-- you can build in some serious speed if you try, and I'd assume SF will make that easier not harder to support it's melee characters.

There's always the Boots of Bounding.

Which reminds me once again how curious I am to see how cybernetics and such will work. My guess is they'll work like magic items by another name, using investiture, but I'd love to see some new system for them.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Perpdepog wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
WWHsmackdown wrote:
Melee inclusions for operative and soldier were the only major request I had so hearing about that stuff has me very excited for the release. A mid range operative all about knives and pistols is liable to get gunned down on the approach, but gods help me, it's the kind of assassin I'm going to build, lol.
If the trends from SF1e hold steady, having a PC that can cover ground fast and get into melee is going to be really valuable for ruining the day of ranged/caster enemies and checking the movement of other melee specialists.
Heck if trends from PF2e hold-- you can build in some serious speed if you try, and I'd assume SF will make that easier not harder to support it's melee characters.

There's always the Boots of Bounding.

Which reminds me once again how curious I am to see how cybernetics and such will work. My guess is they'll work like magic items by another name, using investiture, but I'd love to see some new system for them.

Exactly, Fleet and Boots of Bounding alone get a 25ft speed character moving at 35 ft, or 70 ft =14 squares for 2 actions (as opposed to 10, somewhat obviously.)

That's some pretty good gap closing, especially on something like the existing Fighter and Barbarian's sudden charge where it gets compressed into a strike at the end, add another 7 squares from a theoretical first action move before the charge and you're crossing 20 squares and getting an attack in.

Yeah, they have explicitly said that a key component of most melee classes will be a way to get into melee fast.

We have already seen some of that with the Solarian's extra-spicy Sudden Charge variant. The Operative, being built for speed already in the chassis, will almost certainly have that handled as well.

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