Retraining in PFS2

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge

What are the retraining rules in PFS2?
How many ACP to retrain a feat.
I have a 5th level Water/Wood Kineticist, and I want to retrain my 4th level class feat.

2/5 5/5 **

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

You retrain with Downtime, just like regular PF2.

You get 8 days of Downtime after a Scenario (2 days for Quest/Bounty).

It costs 7 days of Downtime to retrain a Feat.

So after you complete a Scenario, instead of rolling Earn Income for 8 days, spend 7 days to retrain and 1 day to Earn Income (or craft or something else).

Grand Lodge

Blake's Tiger wrote:

You retrain with Downtime, just like regular PF2.

You get 8 days of Downtime after a Scenario (2 days for Quest/Bounty).

It costs 7 days of Downtime to retrain a Feat.

So after you complete a Scenario, instead of rolling Earn Income for 8 days, spend 7 days to retrain and 1 day to Earn Income (or craft or something else).


Scarab Sages 3/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Nebraska—Bellevue

Blake's Tiger wrote:

You retrain with Downtime, just like regular PF2.

You get 8 days of Downtime after a Scenario (2 days for Quest/Bounty).

It costs 7 days of Downtime to retrain a Feat.

So after you complete a Scenario, instead of rolling Earn Income for 8 days, spend 7 days to retrain and 1 day to Earn Income (or craft or something else).

Careful with the Quest/Bounty. 2 days is correct for a Series 1 Quest.

Bounties don't give downtime.

A series 2 Quest is four days (half a normal scenario).

Grand Lodge **

It's generally twice the amount of XP. Except for Bounties.

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