Cave Fangs Clarifications

Rules Questions

Cave Fangs wrote:
Stalactites: Shards of rock drop from the ceiling, dealing 3d8 points of bludgeoning and piercing damage (Reflex half) and creating an area of dense rubble that costs 2 squares of movement to enter. Dense rubble adds 5 to the DC of Acrobatics checks and adds 2 to the DCs of Stealth checks. A creature that fails its Reflex save is pinned to the ground under stalactites and rubble, gaining the entangled condition until it can free itself with a successful DC 15 Strength check or DC 20 Escape Artist check. One Small or larger creature can automatically clear the rubble by working for 1 minute.

1. Does "pinned to the ground" and the persistence of the Entangled condition mean that any victim that fails their save cannot move until after they've removed the Entangled condition?

2. Would the action type of the Strength Check or Escape Artist check default to the 1 Full-Round Action type since there's no stated action type in the spell's description?

I'm inclined to so yes for both.
1) Pinned by stalactites sounds "anchored" per entangled condition.
2) Other entanglement spells are full-round actions, and the default of other restraints being 1 minute is too long considering it's the same time to clear the rubble without a check

cave fangs:C5
Stalactites: "pinned" is used in reference to the entangled condition (where "unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object" is implied by pinned) with a low Str Chk 15 or Esc Art 20, so this is only going to delay anyone at 9th level.
BTW a tanglefoot bag has Str Chk DC 17 and dries(fails) in 2d4 rounds.

Time -
Breaking and Entering - breaking items Str Chk used in place of an attack, so Standard actn.
Esc Art Making an Escape Artist check to escape from rope bindings, manacles, or other restraints (except a grappler) requires 1 minute of work. Escaping from a net or an animate rope, command plants, control plants, or entangle spell is a full-round action. Escaping from a grapple or pin is a standard action. Squeezing through a tight space takes at least 1 minute, maybe longer, depending on how long the space is.. As this in a spell that entangles, it's a Full actn.

So another 'useless' spell other than the duration for a magical trap with medium damage. It would have been better to set some of the squares as trigger squares to set off the trap other than the first entered...

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