Vampire Guardians, Kobold Commanders, and other NPCs

Playtest General Discussion

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While PCs & NPCs operate differently, PC builds are supposed to be transferable to NPC roles and suit the level/XP reward (albeit w/ perhaps too much treasure/gear). So how well do Commanders and Guardians do as adversaries, rivals, chums, etc.?

COMMANDERS: We've seen them contribute well in balanced parties, yet it seems they'd pose problems in NPC roles, even their most iconic role as leader w/ underlings. The class's power relies so much on allies, that they're going to need comparable allies. That's a shame IMO as I'd really like to see Commanders who can "share their power budget" as it were with their underlings. Crowe in Gladiator portrays the epitome of this, taking misfits and helping them maximize their performance. Not sure a Commander can capture this in a mixed-level party, with the opposite being far worse, where underling Commanders can piggyback on the backs of superior allies. Imagine a chorus of Commanders cheering on a Titan. Gulp. A veteran GM will avoid that imbalance, one would hope, but I've seen PFS1 scenarios exploit such "natural" shenanigans. And I'd expect some of my players to search for lower-level Commanders to hang out in the back of the party!

So maybe have a level cap on who the Commander can target w/ Tactics?
And maybe some bonuses when using Tactics on lower-level allies?
PF2's mechanics specifically dissuade mixed-level PC parties, so maybe this is too GM-facing, but PCs do work alongside NPCs in many scenarios. Maybe an advice sidebar would be enough, though I think having the ability to augment weaklings would be cool. (And form actual Troops (!) though I understand that mechanics & balancing of that is impractical.)

As for fighting multiple Commanders, I think it'd make for a fun, albeit complex battle. They don't have damage boosts, but with two MAPless Strikes when able, they could give a good run of it though it does make it glaring how much worse a more offensive martial mixed in. (I also like the imagery of a grouchy due, whether siblings, romantic partners, or whatnot, who boss each other around throughout the battle while complaining.)

GUARDIANS: The concept of Vampire Guardians struck me as I was floating out of sleep this morning. I'm not sure it'd be that strong being as DR doesn't stack, but with Fast Healing that'd be rough. Which of course makes Troll Guardians far worse, if there ever were a Guardian-template to add.
I'm not as sure a Guardian works well as a threat to savvy PCs once they recognize the class. I think fighting them would be kinda boring actually. They'd better get Kip Up because Trip kinda ruins their action economy. The class might work okay near a high-offense ally (much like in PC parties). And while Taunt would be a bit annoying, I'd rather they do that than many other actions, and Hamper would be excruciating if the enemies built around that strategy. A ranged/caster boss could have a string of Guardians that line up to Hamper the frontliners at the entryway. They wouldn't need to be that high of a level either, maybe even far less than the PCs.
Just so un-dynamic, clogging up the conflict.

Facing multiple ones would vary between AoE-Z as pie and damage being diffused to ridiculous levels while in turn the party's kinda safe due to lack of risk to much other than maneuvers.

Both so dependent on their peers, they kinda don't mesh well together despite how their concepts very much should sync. I could imagine a new GM taking one Commander as boss, one Guardian as their bodyguard, and a bunch of troops and making an iconic encounter that's utterly dull because out-of-the-box, there's little synergy there. (A savvy GM of course could make that blossom!)

And both seem kinda dull outside combat or behind-the-scenes, at least as packaged as any veteran GM can spice up most any bland base. So yeah, I might sprinkle them in, but doubt they'll see much use as NPCs in my campaigns, even less than classes that have specific niches.

(As for Kobold Commanders, GO JOE! Dig enough into the canon and an Aapoph/serpentfolk would suit best, alongside their half-metal elemental "ally" who's an anti-Guardian if anything.)

Has anybody playtested the classes as NPC adversaries?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I have set up an encounter with a Bugbear Guardian. Two handed, with armor break. My players just haven't progressed far enough yet for the encounter.
The guardian is escorting another NPC that will attempt to escape the battle. Then the guardian will stay and hold the party back from pursuing.

NPC utility of a class isn't really a design factor, though. Paizo doesn't use the PC rules for NPCs, and the NPC Core will be out before this book, so GMs won't be relying so much on bespoke builds. Even from a "GMs might design their own" standpoint, it's only a problem if the GM goes out of their way to pair disparately leveled NPCs together while being unaware of the ramifications. By the point you hit that scenario with Commander specifically, changing things benefits... maybe three tables? Any change for NPC considerations would have such lopsided impact that it wouldn't be worth making.

If I want to design a higher level Commander working with a bunch of low-level allies, then I'd just include a lot of mass movement options. Reliable flanking helps weaker mooks deal with the PCs. I'd take Plant Banner to both let the PCs play capture the flag and grant outsized health bonuses to weaker minions.

Verdant Wheel

I think "Commander may consider a Level Cap" is good feedback for the Playest.

Possibly could look to the Counteract rules for number maths?

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