Fire Trail damage clarification

Rules Questions

Here is the spell link

I’d like clarity on what is meant by “enter an area of flame”.

Do you trigger damage every 5 foot square a character walks through within the flame, or do you only trigger the damage when you enter a flaming square from a square that is not on fire?

I think it is the former but I’m not totally convinced. A character could take disproportionate damage from this spell if they wade through the fire. On the other hand, arguably the point of the spell is to deter being chased so then the excessive damage makes sense, as the enemy has to take the damage mostly volunteerly.

Fire Trail


If a creature moves into an area of the flame trail multiple times in a round, it takes this damage each time it enters the area of the flame trail. Flammable objects in or adjacent to the fire trail catch fire.

So, yes, it definitely takes damage each fire square the creature enters.

Fire Trail wrote:
...If a creature moves into an area of the flame trail multiple times in a round, it takes this damage each time it enters the area of the flame trail.

Bolded is the important text. If you are foolish enough to wade through more than one square of the effect, you are taking multiple instance of damage. Any of the 5ft squares that are on fire is an area of that effect.

Excellent. Thank you both

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