Here is the spell link
I’d like clarity on what is meant by “enter an area of flame”. Do you trigger damage every 5 foot square a character walks through within the flame, or do you only trigger the damage when you enter a flaming square from a square that is not on fire? I think it is the former but I’m not totally convinced. A character could take disproportionate damage from this spell if they wade through the fire. On the other hand, arguably the point of the spell is to deter being chased so then the excessive damage makes sense, as the enemy has to take the damage mostly volunteerly.
I was wondering if with this discovery, if an Alchemist could create Fast Zombies by also using a Haste extract, just like a cleric might use a Haste spell in conjunction with Animate Dead. And it’s pretty clear that the answer is no. From the text of the alchemical zombie discovery, it doesn’t actually duplicate the animate dead spell like an extract would. The zombie count is just limited the same way. But, back to the original discussion, the discovered ability doesn’t take up an extract slot! It’s just a passive new ability. So that’s a pretty neat plus for the discovery over the animate dead spell. Another small bone, zombies created alchemically are a little sturdier. +2 natural armor and +2 positive channel resistance.
So I think the slot-less ability, extra sturdiness, and the follow-up discovery boneshard bombs, more than make up for the extra cost over the animate dead spell.
Oh that’s interesting about lob shot. Flavor wise it’s close to what I’m going for, but that's a lot of feat prerequisites i didn’t invest in. The narrow hallway was just an example. I’d like to be able to surround myself with these skeleton in an open field too. So i like the method where skeletons go before me, maybe fire off their own attacks, drop prone and ready an action to get up after my turn. It lets me do full attack actions pretty effectively with one way cover and the skeletons get to be more than dedicated bone shields. This exceeds what i was looking for. I think my GM will give me that bottle cap when i finally pull this off
I have a gnome(small) alchemist and will be taking the boneshard bomb discovery next. Im hoping to use a row of the skeleton minions i'll be gaining as a sort of living meat (bone) shield, while I throw bombs from behind them, especially in narrow hallways. I'd like to take advantage of the cover mechanic to gain +4 AC against enemy ranged attacks, without giving the same +4 AC to my bomb attack targets. My character is small, and the skeleton minions will likely generally be medium, so I don't think I can use the low obstacles approach. I believe my skeletons will provide "soft cover" both ways. So, i'm thinking that since I can command my skeletons, they could have readied actions each turn to duck or split for a moment while I throw my bomb. Something to that effect. Curious if that's fair play. The skeletons effectively loose their turns, in exchange for me gaining something similar to low obstacle cover. It's just a fun thing to do some session and gain a bottle cap really.
Thanks all. I'll suggest to the DM that they basically attack whatever is closet at anytime, period. Maybe with one exception, I would still argue that if they are the same specie they wouldn't attack each other. After all, when an ooze splits, from attacks or from feeding, they don't immediately turn around and start trying to eat each other, they go after the dungeoneer. I see Azothath's point about the discovery description though
Hmm not sure if this qualifies as a rules question, it may be purely at DM direction, but here goes. When using the bottled ooze discovery, the summons aren’t under your control. The oozes will, presumably, just act as oozes do. How do multiple summoned oozes interact with each other? I’m guessing that if they are the same “specie” they’ll ignore each other. But if i summon say a tar jelly and a gelatinous cube, will they attack each other or ignore each other and attack other less ooze-like and more meat-like creatures nearby? In less weird play, will my summoned ooze be any good in attacking a wild enemy ooze? In essence, do oozes see other oozes as prey?
The alchemist's bottled ooze discovery let's him make an ooze in a bottle instead of an extract. The ooze summons when the bottle is thrown and smashed. The action is very similar to throwing bombs, except it's arguably simpler in that the alchemist doesn't need to mix the components. Nor is there any drinking of the extract involved. If the alchemist grabs the fast bombs discovery at level 8, he can throw multiple bombs in a full attack action, presumably because he is faster at drawing and mixing the bomb components. So, if an alchemist has adequate base attack bonus, can he throw a bottled ooze as part of a full attack action? Could he throw, say a Jelly Tar ooze, and throw a regular fire bomb in the same full attack action, igniting the jelly tar ooze? Is there any reason that would require the fast bomb discovery? Conversely, could he instead throw an ooze and then another ooze? |