Wiz arch Spell Sage at 5th & 11th level


Wizard archetype Spell Sage
 Req: PFS legal, 20 pt Abil buy, 5th Lvl $10500 gear | 11th Lvl $82000 gear. (ᶝ) need chronicle.
layout is 5th|11th and it gets a bit visually crowded

Solona female human Wiz arch Spell Sage 5 | 11
CN med sz humnoid human from Minata TianXia
Init: +2|+3, Sense:, Prcptn:+5|+18

AC: 20(13), tch 16(13), fftd 18(11) (+4[frc](+1) armr, +4(+0) shld, +2 Dex) at 11th AC 21 (+3 Dex).
DEF: - | regen 1/hr, Imm [bleed].
HP: 27 (5d6 +5){PFS=6 +4*(4) +5*(+1{FCB})} | @11 HP:57.

Saves: F +3, R +4, W +7 +2[chrm, cmplsn], +1 scndry saves | @11th F +7, R +9, W +12 +2[chrm, cmplsn].
Mov Spd:30

Mle: qtrstf +2/(+0,+0) | mwk +6/(+4,+4) (1d6,1d6 c20+ *2)B.
Mle: obsdn dagger +2 | +5 (1d4 c19+ *2)S|P Rng:10ft {fragile} glassy | & (2) CldFe dagger.
Rng: +1 hvy crossbow +5<30 else +4|+9/+8 (1d10+2<30 else +1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft bolt: CldFe & Ag[10].

Tattoo SLA danc lgts:K0@Lvl 3/d.
Spells Prepr'd (CL5; Conc(Int)+10, K:CL6 DC+1) | (CL 11; Conc(Int)+18 +2 cast DEF, K:CL12 DC+2, roll 2d20 DEF Conc chk 3/d)
 FcsdSpls:+4CL [1|2]/d; SplStdy: spon cast Brd,Clr,Drd spell {non-cmbt} sacrfc 2 prep'd SplLvl spls [1|2]/d.
 6th(-/d|2/d): - | getaway, prst drgn brth:K4.
 5th(-/d|3/d): - | cone cold:K5, magic jar, ovrlnd flgt.
 4th(-/d|4/d): - | confsn/prst lgtnbolt:K3, dim door, drgn brth:K4, emrg frc sph:K4.
 3rd(2/d|6/d [2]): abltv barr, lgtnbolt:K3, | & bttr blst:K3(<-lgtnbolt), fireball:K3, haste, pllt blst, hgtn(1) prst ear-prc scrm:K2. {Prf'd spl:lgtnbolt}.
 2nd(3/d|6/d [2]): shk grsp(Rng:close):K1, flry snoball:K2, mir img, | & air step, glttrdust, rst enrgy.
 1st(5/d|6/d [5]): ear-prc scrm:K1, mag armr, mag mssl:K1, snoball:K1 | & shield.
 0th(4/d|4/d @will): det mag, mag hand, mssg, ray frost:K0.

Abil:@5 [10,14,10,21(19),14,10], 20pt & applied: +2 Int(16->18), 4th:+1 Int(18->19), headband Int +2.
 @11 [10,16(14),10,24(20),14,10], 8th:+1 Int(19->20), headband Int +4, belt Dex +2.
BAB: +2|+5, CMB:+2|+5 CMD: 14|18.
T1: Child of two people(Race) +2 Will [chrm, cmplsn] Lang:taldan, tien.
T2: Resilient(Cmbt) +1 Fort.
HF: Add'l traits: Magical Lineage(Mag) ear-prc scrm(then drgn brth?), Wayang Spellhunter(Rgnl) lgtnbolt. {this allows the spell to be retrained via feat retraining}.
F1: Point-blank shot.
W1: Prepared arcane spellcasting (Int), Scribe scroll or {PFS}Spl Fcs(evoKation). XXX-Arcn Bond, XXX-Arcn School -> Univ.
WSS1: Focused Spells(Su): one cast spell +4CL [1@1, 2@8, 3@16]/d. Replc Arcn Bond.
WSS2: Spell Study(Su): spon cast Brd,Clr,Drd spell taking cast:(SplLvl+1)rnds sacrificing 2 prep'd SplLvl(or higher) spells [1@2, 2@8, 3@12, 4@16]/d. Rplc Arcn School.
F3: Precise Shot.
Abil4: Int +1 ->19.
Wiz5F: MMag Reach Spl(+1 to +3).
F5: Var Tattoo(K) +1CL.
===== then =====
F7: Grt Spl Fcs(K) +2DC.
Abil8: Int +1->20.
F9: MMag Persnt Spl(+2).
Wiz10F: MMag Heighten Spl(+N).
F11: Preferred Spl (lgtnbolt:K3).
TBD: MMag Intsfy(+1), MMag Dazing Spl(+3).

Wpn Prfc: club, dagger, heavy & light crossbow, quarterstaff.
Skills(rnk 35@5|88@11): Acro +5|8(3|5), Apprᶜ +9|12(1|2), Crftᶜ(Alchemy +13|21(5|11)), Flyᶜ +10|14(5|8), Heal +3(1), Knowᶜ(arcn +9|16(1|6), dngn +13|21(1&HB), engr +|11(0|1), geog +|11(1), hist +9|11(1), locl +10|16(2|6), natr +9|11(1), nobl +|11(0|1), plns +9|+21(1|HB), rlgn +9|16(1|6)), Lingᶜ +|12(0|2), Prcp +5|13(3|11), Profᶜ(Barrister +6(1)), Ride +5|9(3|6), Sns Mtv +2|8(0|6), Splcrftᶜ +13|20(5|10), Stlth +2(0), Srvl +2(0). ᶜCls skl, ˢSkl Fcs
Lang: common(tien & taldan), minatan(rgnl), celestial, infernal, draconic, elven, thassalonian(HB), then napsu-sign language, azlanti, undercommon, anc osiriani(-|HB).

Cmbt Gear:
SLWS: Wand: Infrnl Heal:C1@1[30] $450, Obs Mist:C1@1[30] $450.
Bndlr: Pot: Cure Lgt Wnd 1@1 $50, alch fire [2] $(40), antiplague $(25), antitoxin $(25), twitch tonic $(22.5), smelling salts $(12.5). = $1075 {assumming self crafted OR day job pays half of alch items which is very conservative}
= = = at 11 add Wand: Hgtn Aware:D1@1[30] $450, Ill of Calm:I1@1[30] $450.
Scr: Comp Lang:D1@1[2] $50, Rdc Per:T1@1 $25, Sure Casting:D1@1[2] $50, Barkskin:T2@3{divn} $150, Bear Endur:T2@3[2] $300, Drkvisn:T2@3 $150, Lsr Restor:C2@3{divn}($100) $250, Make Whole:T2@3 $150, Blink:T3@5 $375, Fly:T3@5 $375, Mag Cir vs E:A3@5 $375, Remove Curse:A4@7 $700. =+$2950 {this could be halved if Scribe Scroll}

mwk haramaki (AC:+1, Dex:-, AChk:0, SplFail:0%) Hrd:10, HP:5, 1lb $153, quarterstaff (1d6/1d6 c20 *2)B 4lb $0, +1 mwk hvy crossbow +1(1d10+1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft Hrd:7 HP:15, 8lb $2350, Bolts: CldFe & WpnBlch silver(Ag) [10] $2+(2.5), obsdn dagger (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S Rng:10ft {fragile} Hrd:5 HP:2, 0.75lb [2] $2, bandolier(Bndlr) [8] $0.5, spring-loaded wrist sheath(SLWS) [2] $10, investigator's kit 37lb $40, heavy warhorse & mil saddle, bridle, saddlebags $326, silver holy symbol(Desna) $25. =$2911
Aegis of recovery [neck] $1500, Cloak of resistance +1 [shldr] $1000, Headband of Int(HB) +2 [hdbnd] $4000 =$6500; $10500-1075-2911-6500 -> cash 14gp.
= = = at 11 add (2) cold iron(CldFe) dagger $8, quarterstaff to mwk +$600, Cloak Rest to +3 +$8000, Headband Int(HB) to +4 +$12000, Belt Dex +2[belt] $4000, Handy Haversack $2000, Crk'd Pearly White Ioun Stone $3400, Spellguard Bracers[wrist] $5000, PearlPwr(First:5, Scnd:2, Third:2) $31000 {recover spells due to SplStdy}, Eyes of the eagle [eyes] $2500, (4) CldFe bear traps $16. = $68524; $82000-1075-2950-2921-6500-68524 -> cash 30gp.

Use the character name in this post in your replies otherwise it could get confusing with multiple posts of different builds.
This is a rather centric PFS build so it will work in most any campaign.
Sor arch Raz Prst at 5th & 11th along with a Clr1 Wiz4|10 for comparison (PFS style)
Mage-killer build FlowMonk2 Wiz(Divnr)7 (PFS style)
Bard7 builds (PFS style)

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