PFS - Tiefling Bloodrager Abyssal / Aberrant


I have a Tiefling that I started before the cutoff. So yes, it is legal.
Now I’m trying to decide what to do with it. I’m not real thrilled with the inquisitor I was originally building it to be since it was designed to be part of a 2 person team and the other player can’t do PFS anymore.
So I was thinking a Tiefling Abyssal Bloodrager seemed pretty durn thematic. Plus I’ve always wanted to try a natural weapon combatant.
I would like to have Improved Natural Weapon, but I could only get that in PFS with 2 levels of ranger. I think that is too high a cost for an extra 3.5 of damage.
I added the Aberrant bloodline mainly for another 5’ of reach for area denial. Besides, I don't really need the bloodline resistances. But I'm not really set on this.

Demon-Spawn Tiefling (+2 str, +2 cha, -2 int, shatter)
Fiendish Sprinter (+10 move on charge, run, or withdraw - replaces skilled)
Maw (d6 bite - replaces SLA)
Prehensile Tail (carry or retrieve itesm as swift action - replaces fiendish sorcery)
Traits: Unscather (+2 to all energy resistances)
CN or N
Dark Archive
Focused Disciple (+2 save vs charm and compulsion)
Str 16(14+2), Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12 (14-2), Wis 8, Cha 14(12+2)

{ I really like the double Fiend Sight for See in Darkness, but I won’t be the sneak and PFS tables almost always have a human that needs light anyway. So I think I will forgo this.)
1 rage, fast movement, d6 claws while raging, feat Power Attack
2 uncanny dodge
3 blood sanctuary, feat Combat Reflexes
4 bloodcasting, demonic bulk large while raging, bite and claws d8 while raging, claws are magic
5 imp uncanny dodge, feat Arcane Strike
6 bloodline feat Iron Will
7 DR 1/-, bloodline spell Ray of Enfeeblement, feat Improved Iron Will
8 Abnormal reach (15’), claws 2d6
9 bloodline feat Improved Sunder (or Improved Bull Rush), feat Blooded Arcane Strike
10 DR 2/-, bloodline spell See Invisibility
11 greater bloodrage, feat Vital Strike or Blasting Charge

Will always keep my Cloak of Resistance about as high as I can afford. Intend to use a reach polearm when not raging. Will keep UMD high to activate some low level wands like Lead Blades (I think that works on natural attacks). Haven't chosen spells yet, but they would mostly be buffs.

So what do you think? Questions, Comments, or Concerns?

Grand Lodge

I suggest taking Rageshaper, too. It'll increase the damage of your claws by one die and all you give up is Blood Sanctuary (and how often do you really need +2 to saves vs your ally's spells?).

I don't think Arcane Strike will be worth it for you. Your claws already count as magic and you're locking yourself into using up your swift action every turn for +3 damage if all of your attacks hit. Though while raging since you're spending more feats to improve it you won't be wasting your swift action..

Idk, I think it'll only be useful once you get Vital Strike at lvl 11 and that seems like a waste of three feats just to get an extra +4 when vital striking. (though if you also take Rageshaper while enlarged at lvl 8 your claws will be doing 3d6 (or 2d6 if you choose not to enlarge yourself) so double that for 6d6. At that point is +4 damage worth three feats when you would be doing 6d6 with just one feat?

So at 8 you would have a base damage 3d6 per claw while enlarged. If you took two levels of ranger after that you could have a base damage of 4d6 per claw. You would never get greater bloodrage, though, if that's a deal breaker.

I thought you couldn't take an archtype like Rageshaper if you had taken crossblooded.

Though I'm not make all that much use of the crossblooded. I've already got reach from large and I could UMD a wand of long arm. Hmm...

Yeah, I wasn't really sure about the Arcane & Vital Strike either. But so many people seem to think it is absolutely wondrous.
What would you recommend to replace them?

I suppose I could make the last 2 levels as natural attacking ranger. Didn't think of taking it late. Dips are usually very early and then it would be delaying all my raging goodness. I'll think about it, but will probably stick with single class.

long arm is a bloodrager spell, you don't need to UMD it

plaidwandering wrote:
long arm is a bloodrager spell, you don't need to UMD it

Ha! Totally missed that. Thanks.

Grand Lodge

Revolving Door Alternate wrote:

I thought you couldn't take an archtype like Rageshaper if you had taken crossblooded.

Though I'm not make all that much use of the crossblooded. I've already got reach from large and I could UMD a wand of long arm. Hmm...

Yeah, I wasn't really sure about the Arcane & Vital Strike either. But so many people seem to think it is absolutely wondrous.
What would you recommend to replace them?

I suppose I could make the last 2 levels as natural attacking ranger. Didn't think of taking it late. Dips are usually very early and then it would be delaying all my raging goodness. I'll think about it, but will probably stick with single class.

Rageshaper and Crossblooded but don't alter/change any of the same class abilities so you can be both. For a natural attacking bloodrager there's pretty much no reason to not take it.

I don't really know what I'd pick to replace those feats with, though. My only experience with a bloodrager is outside of PFS where I play with a rageshaper/primalist bloodrager and took the beast totem rage powers instead of my 8th/12th bloodrager powers and spent all of my feats on charging better.

Sovereign Court

I've seen an abyssal bloodrager in action, and it totally rocks. It's much better than most people give it credit for.

Assume you carry a polearm. Combat starts, you take a 5ft step, Rage+Enlarge, expanding 5ft forward, and your polearm's range doubles to 20ft. Then make a full attack at an enemy that was 30ft away from you at the beginning of the combat, with your Rage+Enlarged weapon damage.

The speed with which you extend your reach across the battlefield, and the distance, make up a huge tactical trump. Many monsters rely on 10-15ft reach to make some AoOs against the PCs; you've got much more than that.

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