Revolver, Nagant M1895 price?

Rules Questions

so i'm in a game with guns being common place, been looking at the revolver which is priced at 4000gp. But the Revolver, Nagant M1895 is priced at 400gp.

I assumed this was a simple typo but it's labeled that way every where the Archives of Nethys, Hero Lab, everywhere credible I can find it, and if it is 4000gp why pick the standard since it only has 6 shots?

I figured maybe here i could get a actual answer?

Shadow Lodge

Kilusa.5 wrote: %20revolver

if you would like to chech the AON

This is the Second Edition forum, which will tend to limit the responses you get: I've flagged it for transfer to the PF1 forums.

To answer your question, once upon a time a Paizo AP featured a trip from Golarian to Czarist Russia in 1917, which led to a bunch of World War One weapons being stated for PF1. These weapons are only available if you are actually playing this specific adventure.

As for the specific pricing, WWI Russia is a 'Guns Everywhere' setting:

Source Ultimate Combat pg. 135

Firearms and gunslingers are not for every campaign, and even if you are excited about introducing firearms into your campaign, you should still make a decision about how commonplace they are. The following are broad categories of firearm rarity and the rules that govern them. Pathfinder’s world of Golarion uses the rules for emerging guns, which is also the default category of gun rarity detailed in this Pathfinder RPG supplement.

No Guns: If you do not want guns in your campaign, simply don’t allow the rules that follow. The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game plays perfectly well without them. Very Rare Guns: Early firearms are rare; advanced firearms, the gunslinger class, the Amateur Gunslinger feat, and archetypes that use the firearm rules do not exist in this type of campaign. Firearms are treated more like magic items—things of wonder and mystery—rather than like things that are mass-produced. Few know the strange secrets of firearm creation. Only NPCs can take the Gunsmithing feat.

Emerging Guns: Firearms become more common. They are mass-produced by small guilds, lone gunsmiths, dwarven clans, or maybe even a nation or two—the secret is slipping out, and the occasional rare adventurer uses guns. The baseline gunslinger rules and the prices for ammunition given in this chapter are for this type of campaign. Early firearms are available, but are relatively rare. Adventurers who want to use guns must take the Gunsmithing feat just to make them feasible weapons. Advanced firearms may exist, but only as rare and wondrous items—the stuff of high-level treasure troves.

Commonplace Guns: While still expensive and tricky to wield, early firearms are readily available. Instead of requiring the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat, all firearms are martial weapons. Early firearms and their ammunition cost 25% of the amounts listed in this book, but advanced firearms and their ammunition are still rare and cost the full price to purchase or craft.

Guns Everywhere: Guns are commonplace. Early firearms are seen as antiques, and advanced firearms are widespread. Firearms are simple weapons, and early firearms, advanced guns, and their ammunition are bought or crafted for 10% of the cost listed in this chapter. The gunslinger loses the gunsmith class feature and instead gains the gun training class feature at 1st level.

Shadow Lodge

Minor Correction: The 'Rasputin Must Die' adventure is actually specifically set in Siberia in 1918, so it's technically post-czar civil war era Russia...

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