Should you be able to Ready a Tactic

Commander Class Discussion

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Carrying over from a different thread about a different topic:

Are tactics (specifically the actions you can take with the tactic trait) too complex to be allowed to be combined with a readied action?

I think so for the following reasons:

1. Most tactics are already actions that spark a chain of reactions and free actions from other players, sometimes all of your allies. Allowing a one action tactic like pincer attack or form up to trigger off of a conditional situation that might already have other steps stacked up on top of each other can create a lot of confusion. Technically, things like Form Up already have this issue because there is no set order for who has to move in what order and strides can trigger reactions, but having 5 or 6 characters waiting to move until the trigger resolves starts to create its own head ache.

2. Characters can only benefit from one tactic a turn. This gets messy, and a hassle to remember if enemies go first, then a commander uses a tactic, then readies a second tactic to set off after an enemies action, then multiple other characters go, then you enter the next turn, then the enemy goes and sets off the trigger. It will be a book keeping headache in play.

3. How much of the specific effect of the tactic has to be factored in to the triggering condition? I feel like one of the important limits on readied actions is that the thing you are trying to do in response to a specific trigger is clear cut and simple. but using a tactic is something that basically just lets another character take a set of free actions/reaction, which adds at least 1, potentially everyone into the decision making process of resolving a readied reaction.

I don't think it is necessary to preserve the cool factor of having some tactics only taking one action, by allowing them to be used as readied actions when they have the potential to bog down the flow of an encounter and will be easily and often exploited by trying to track who has already utilized a tactic before the next one is issued.

I think the Commander is already going to be moving around a lot in the initiative order with delaying to maximize the efficacy of their tactic, drawing that out over multiple creature's turns has too much potential to sour people on the class to feel worth it to me, even as I see some fun and interesting possible situations, the headache factor just feels too high. Like readying an action to reload! for "as soon as x of my squadmates are holding unloaded firearms doesn't sound too complicated, but then the players have to remember if they already benefited from a tactic on the commander's turn, potentially many other creatures turns later when the condition of the trigger has been met.

Would reaction tactics fix that? Ones specifically balanced to be used that way?

I was thinking the same thing, Unicore. Adding a: "You can't use Ready with this kind of actions" rule to the Tactic tag would solve many possible issues.

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I don't see anything special about Tactics that you couldn't do anyways.

Also, I kind of feel like "retreat as soon as you see an enemy" is very on point for a commander.

OrochiFuror wrote:
Would reaction tactics fix that? Ones specifically balanced to be used that way?

Weaker Tactics might be balanced as Reactions.

Might lead to strange circumstances though w/ multiple Commanders.

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Castilliano wrote:
OrochiFuror wrote:
Would reaction tactics fix that? Ones specifically balanced to be used that way?

Weaker Tactics might be balanced as Reactions.

Might lead to strange circumstances though w/ multiple Commanders.

a character can only respond to 1 tactic per round.

In fact

New feat

Hold... Hold... NOW! 3 actions
You can ready a 2 action Tactic.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What you are describing is called delaying, and it is more effective and easier to keep track of. The biggest possible thing readying a tactic instead of delaying can really do is waste 1 enemy move action, at the cost of immense hassle.

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