I hope some of the commander / guardian class feats also get given to other classes.

Playtest General Discussion

Class feats like Deceptive Tactics, Rapid Assessment, Shoulder Check, and Raise Haft seem like they could be a lot of fun on classes like barbarian, fighter, champion, or ranger. It would be nice for Battlecry! to give some of these feats to existing classes, especially since the new classes borrow some feats from existing classes as well (e.g commander has Combat Assessment from fighter and Reactive Interference from rogue). That's not to say I want *every* new feat that doesn't specifically rely on commander/guardian class features to be shared with other classes, of course, but many of these feats seem like they could be a lot of fun on more offensively-minded classes and I'd love to explore that.

I feel like you can expect these to only be available via archetypes. They will likely have class archetypes, but just like with Martial Artist and other variants of that they will likely have some of these covered in non class archetypes too. Time will tell.

I am sure we will see new feats for some of the older martials.

Battlecry is a book for martials in general so probably many of these feats (and many other feats and archetypes) will be added to the book.

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I genuinely believe pretty much all of the Guardian's abilities, from their feats to their Taunt and Intercept Strike, would be perfectly at home on a Fighter or Champion, and many of those would also work on a Barbarian and even other classes. Not even as an archetype, just as more class feats. Those classes get better shield support than the Guardian, and already have a lot of feats about protecting allies too, so accessing those would change neither their theme nor even their mechanical niche.

With regards to Battlecry specifically, I feel like there's also some Commander feats that feel like they'd be more appropriate on the Guardian as well: Defensive Swap in particular I think is the ultimate "get down Mr President" ability, and just comes across as more fitting and all-around better than Intercept Strike in nearly every way. Shield Warden is also a feat I'm surprised to see on the Commander and not on the Guardian, which I think leads to the awkward situation where several martial classes, the Commander included, have better shield support than the dedicated protector class.

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