Best Combos of Skill Feats, Magic Items, and Spells for Skills


Grand Lodge

My first PFS character, a Goblin Bard, Just made 11th level.
Charisma +5
He has Master prof. in Perform.[+17 Proficiency]
He has Virtuosic Performance in Oratory [+2 circumstance]
He has a Maestro's Instrument (Moderate) {+2 item]
He can cast the Musical Accompaniment cantrip [+1 Status}
Total of +27 on performance checks using Oratory.
Make an Impression:+27. Demoralize:+27 Goblin Song: +25

Are there any other skills that consistently benefit this much at this level from Skill feats, Magic items and spells?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Congrats on getting to such a high level. I hear that's difficult to do in Society sometimes.

Elixirs and mutagens will sometimes give higher item bonuses than the norm.

If you haven't already, check out the Skills pages of Archives of Nethys. Under each skill there is a set of collapsed menus that show all the skill boosting items for that skill.

For example, a silvertongue mutagen or theatrical mutagen can grant up to a +4 item bonus to Performance checks.

Liberty's Edge

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For Performance, I love the Orchestral Brooch talisman myself, especially for the simple to crit success effect : "You receive a +1 status bonus to your Performance check. If you roll a success, you get a critical success instead."

There are also effects like the Pocket Library spell that help change a crit fail to simple fail (here for RK checks).

Effects that allow you to reroll, or roll twice and pick the best, are great too,

Grand Lodge

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Ravingdork wrote:

Congrats on getting to such a high level. I hear that's difficult to do in Society sometimes.

Elixirs and mutagens will sometimes give higher item bonuses than the norm.

If you haven't already, check out the Skills pages of Archives of Nethys. Under each skill there is a set of collapsed menus that show all the skill boosting items for that skill.

For example, a silvertongue mutagen or theatrical mutagen can grant up to a +4 item bonus to Performance checks.

Thanks for this! I had no idea this feature existed!

Grand Lodge

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The Raven Black wrote:

For Performance, I love the Orchestral Brooch talisman myself, especially for the simple to crit success effect : "You receive a +1 status bonus to your Performance check. If you roll a success, you get a critical success instead."

There are also effects like the Pocket Library spell that help change a crit fail to simple fail (here for RK checks).

Effects that allow you to reroll, or roll twice and pick the best, are great too,

Ooooo! That's nice!! Thanks!!

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