Help finding most detailed map?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Does anybody know of a large detailed five foot grid map? Something with a lot of different terrain or features. I asked because I came across nine inch nails one hundred yard maps on Deviant Art for Mystara and was wondering if there is a large size map at a smaller scale.

a map of what?...

there are random fractal online map generators... it is what it is.

The PF Glorian community project map is rather detailed and mapped to a globe. See PathfinderWiki.

I use Inkscape with a blocked 24*32" + unblocked 0.5" border so 25*33" page then a 24*32" grid layover. Print on 8.5*11 pages and tape.

I mean anywhere from 5ft to 50ft per square map on a really large scale. Essentially a battlefield map with a lot of detail and terrain.

AFAIK only gaming (and some architects as an overwiew) uses a 1"=5ft scale.
5*32=160ft... that's not very big.

If you want detailed map pictures, pick a geologically recent area (like the rockies, recent means less erosion) then use the satellite view on google maps. You'll also have to apply elevation marks. Trees may get in the way of your birds-eye view.
Planets tend to be a warped spherical shape, flattening them introduces projection errors to scale. This happens in real life at the county scale where surveyors have to create triangular wedges to compensate for drawing straight line squares (meets & bounds) on a map of the earth.

otherwise you're asking for a product and your game store might be a better source.

If you don't want to make your own via satellite image, you should look for maps designed for wargamers, they use larger scales. I second Azothoth's local game store suggestion.

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