BookBird |

So, we know that over the course of the War of Immortals storyline we'll get to witness a herald dying. And it got me thinking, since there are many interesting situations that could result in that, even if the heralds aren't that important in a cosmological sense. But with Paizo leaving OGL stuff behind, I had a thought; what if it's the Tarrasque? Rovagug's herald is heavily tied to DnD, and it'd make sense to destroy it to bring about a new spawn as the herald. Of course, WoI was planned before the OGL debacle and to show the Tarrasque dying you'd need to use it, but I thought it was an intriguing possibility nonetheless. Anyway, if you had to guess, who would you say? I'm gonna be bold and say the Prince in Chains, some advancement in the ZK/Shelyn storyline ending up freeing their father's soul.

Sibelius Eos Owm |

There's a lot going on, but to answer this it's a part of the things Luis Loza revealed. The Reddit thread on the topic lies ~ here ~

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BookBird wrote:what if it's the Tarrasque?Honestly, this makes a lot of sense, but on the other side, the Tarrasque is just there. It exists. It hasn't been making an appearance in APs and stuff. It may just fade away like Kostchtchie will
Paizo confirmed some time ago that they will just never mention the Tarrasque again.

Virellius |
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Wait, they're killing Harold!?
Kidding. But also, Heralds die more often than you think. The Stabbing Beast in particular has been killed in TWO different adventure paths (How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old stabby man!?)
Personally, I'd be pretty sad if Cayden's herald died. I love her. Sex worker celestial who was besties with the god in life and then got to become his herald after death? Pretty good deal there.

Prismatic “Mat” Gay |
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Wait, they're killing Harold!?
Kidding. But also, Heralds die more often than you think. The Stabbing Beast in particular has been killed in TWO different adventure paths (How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old stabby man!?)
Personally, I'd be pretty sad if Cayden's herald died. I love her. Sex worker celestial who was besties with the god in life and then got to become his herald after death? Pretty good deal there.
Thais is great! She hates Asmodeus so much she once flew down to his layer of Hell and 1v1ed him. I mean, she lost a wing as a result and barely escaped, but the fact that she is survived at all is crazy, given that Asmodeus is one of the more powerful gods, and Thais…can theoretically be defeated by a high-level non-mythic party (at least, in 1E; I don’t think we’ve gotten any statblocks for heralds in 2E, but I could be wrong).
Personally, I really hope that the herald that dies is the Prince in Chains, because the effects on his kids would be really interesting!