Pacing and Resting in the Thistletop Dungeon

Rise of the Runelords

Hello. In a couple of days, my party will be heading to Thistletop to stop Nualia and her goblin army from razing Sandpoint to the ground. This game is with some friends of mine on a Discord server, and we've been playing Sunday nights starting at 7 pm central, they generally last from 2-4 hours (they cleared the Catacombs of Wrath in 2 1/2 hours even with exploring), and my biggest concern is that it will take two or three sessions before they even get to Nualia.

So my biggest question is, how do I manage multiple sessions and giving them a rest stop so they don't burn out their resources? My current idea is, if they somehow manage to make an ally out of Gogmurt (via Intimidate), he might be able to give them info on what to do, but that's just a idea that may not even happen.

As for the party, just in case anyone wants to know:
-aasimar slayer (our main heavy hitter)
-changeling paladin (our tank)
-human fire sorcerer (our caster)
-elf unchained rogue (our skill monkey and ranged combatant)
-kobold oracle (our healer)

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As the GM, I wouldn't give any concern to whether the PCs burn out their resources or not. That's their issue to manage, and different players (and different groups) will be more or less conservative. If they decide they need to retreat and rest, they'll have to use their wits to try to find a safe place that's free from retaliation from whatever defenders are left.

What GMJ said.

Part of the game is learning how to manage resources and suffering the consequences of poor management.

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