2e Remaster Conversion Guide Live on Pathfinder Infinite

Tyrant's Grasp

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Hey all! It's been a while. I think the last time I posted on this side of the forums was when I was making my campaign log for Tyrant's Grasp.

Well, I have exciting news: after a long time of working on it, I have officially released my Remaster conversion guide for Tyrant's Grasp on Pathfinder Infinite!

I needed to wait until Monster Core dropped to do my last bit of conversion, but now things are golden!

I also want to give a shout-out to user rkotitan. While I did not actively reference any of the things that they personally made, they DID start working on a 2e conversion of Tyrant's Grasp A LOT sooner than I did.

Anyway, enough rambling. If you want to go for it, the conversion guide is now on Infinite!

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