Monster Core Download Issues

Website Feedback

I bought the Monster Core pdf, but every time I download it both the single file and file per chapter versions just open up into an empty file. I've tried this on multiple devices and on each one I get the same result. Does anyone know if this is a regular issue with pdf versions of products or how I'd fix it?

I bought Seven Dooms of Sandpoint in the same order and that's working fine.

Paizo Employee System Administrator II

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Clickaclack wrote:

I bought the Monster Core pdf, but every time I download it both the single file and file per chapter versions just open up into an empty file. I've tried this on multiple devices and on each one I get the same result. Does anyone know if this is a regular issue with pdf versions of products or how I'd fix it?

I bought Seven Dooms of Sandpoint in the same order and that's working fine.

The download has been corrected. Please try to download the Monster Core PDF again.

I was having the same issue, but it seems to have been fixed. Thanks.

Perpdepog wrote:
I was having the same issue, but it seems to have been fixed. Thanks.

I'm still having the same issue where it downloads an empty file

Chemist312 wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
I was having the same issue, but it seems to have been fixed. Thanks.

I'm still having the same issue where it downloads an empty file

I've occasionally had that before - deleting my cookies for the Paizo site and logging in again solved it. YMMV

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