Holy tactician Paladin of Iomedae + slightly homebrew Hellknight or other PrC's


Hi all,

this is my first time posting here, because i need some advice on how to advance my paladin.

I am currently playing in a curse of the crimson throne campaign.
We just reached level 6. I am playing a female human Paladin 5 (Holy tactician/ Holy guide)/ Brawler 1 of Iomedae.

Statspread (20pt) is: 16/14/13/10/10/16 (race to STR, Level to CHA, 8th level will go to CON)
Feats are:
1: Weaponfocus (Longsword), Powerattack (human bonus),
3: combatreflexes
4: Outflank (Holy tactician bonus)
5: signature skill (intimidate)
6: cornugon smash (DM let me retrain my IUS from brawler)

I'm planning on taking one more Paladin Level on 7 to get the Teamworkfeat from holy guide (will be paired opportunist). My team is heavily utilizing Outflank (we have a sanctified slayer inquisitor, a swashbuckler/urogue, and a cleric reach build). I'm currently giving out Outflank to the cleric and Inquisitor and it's starting to get really nasty with paired Opp. (i currently get it from martial flex). I'm considering taking a reach weapon to get out more of our teamwork. I took the brawler Level for the IUS to retrain to cornugon smash and the martial flex to take situationally useful TWF and share them with the group to get us out of a pinch.

Further feat progession would look something like this:
7: whatever i need to qualify for a certain PrC; Paired Opp. (Holy Guide)
9: ??
11: Deific Obedience
13: diverse obedience (sentinel boon)
15: ??
17: ??

My characterconcept (in short!) is to follow the path of Iomedae as close as possible, both from a roleplaying and a mechanical perspective. I wanted to take a PrC to really give my character a certain edge/ refinement and emphasize the whole chosen of Iomedae theme, leaning more towards the lawful than the good axis of my alignment.

So i had a few things in mind to do that and going back and forth (my DM really had and has a lot of patience with me :D)

PrC's i have considered are:
1) Hellknight: My DM and i reflavored it to more of a "Heavens Knight", taking order of the godclaw. For that purpose my DM scratched Infernal Armor and Hellknight Armor 1 to 3. To compansate he allow me to get a full lay on hands progression. But i'm not sure, if the trade adds up. I'm also not very convinced of loosing the good will saves, spellcasting, mercies and two TWF from holy tactician mainly for the 3 disciplines (gues i'd take fearsomeness at 6th and another Domainpower at 9th). also i am not certain how useful smite chaos is in my current campaign. I probaly would take hellknight obedience. All in all the PrC really feels like a downdgrade being a worse paladin giving me only very little in exchange for A LOT!
2) Inheritor's Crusader: I really like the flavor of it although my character will be more of an official of the government or something like that. I get some nice abilities and only loose out on mercy and Lay on hands progression for three levels. I would take iron will on level 7 to qualify. Afterwards i would probably go back to paladin.
3) Evangelist: Would give me alot more utility skillwise and aligned class and i really like the flavor and capstone, but the chassis is a brutal downgrade for a frontline martial. On top of that i can't cherry pick the boons and have to take the evangelists boons which are suboptimal for me. So i guess it's not worth it.
4) Divine Scion: Man, i wish this existed for a martial base. The flavor is exactly what i'm looking for, but a paladin is not the a great choice for this due to his poor spellcasting and no classfeatureprogression at all... so i guess this ones not for me, too :/
5) Knight of ozem: I like the TWF and the aegis feats, but the other abilities are way to niche as we are not fighting undead all the time (i guess).

Aside from all those considerations i'm open to anything else (multiclassing, retraining feats or class levels) you guys can come up with or recommend to devote myself to Iomedae.

I hope you get an idea of what i'm searching for ;)
I'm really looking forward to your opinions and ideas :)

Sorry for the double post...
after rereading my initial post I realized that i forgot to tell you one very import detail: we play with PFS legal content only.

Otherwise i would have just taken the Heritor Knight PrC and be fine ;)

PS: I also saw that a can't take pentamic faith twice if i would go with hellknight


I'd actually rethink the idea of needing a PRC. And retrain out of the Holy Guide archetype. You want more uses of your Weal's Champion ability which no PRC (except Evangelist) gives you progress in so that you can buff both yourself and your party more often.

Retraining out of Holy Guide allows you to replace your 3rd (and later 9th) Mercy with Iomedae's Inspiring Sword Divine Fighting Technique. While waiting just another level gives you another teamwork feat from Holy Tactician anyways.

Taking one level of Inheritor's Crusader for Aura of Courage could be nice, though. Because then you could take the Fearless Aura feat to share fear immunity to your allies as well.

With Iomedae's Inspiring Sword, Weal's Champion, Fearless Aura, and Battlefield Presence you'd definitely fulfill the "beacon of hope" theme.

I'd wait until after lv 10 Paladin before taking the level of Inheritor's Crusader.

Tottemas wrote:


I'd actually rethink the idea of needing a PRC. And retrain out of the Holy Guide archetype. You want more uses of your Weal's Champion ability which no PRC (except Evangelist) gives you progress in so that you can buff both yourself and your party more often.

Retraining out of Holy Guide allows you to replace your 3rd (and later 9th) Mercy with Iomedae's Inspiring Sword Divine Fighting Technique. While waiting just another level gives you another teamwork feat from Holy Tactician anyways.

Taking one level of Inheritor's Crusader for Aura of Courage could be nice, though. Because then you could take the Fearless Aura feat to share fear immunity to your allies as well.

With Iomedae's Inspiring Sword, Weal's Champion, Fearless Aura, and Battlefield Presence you'd definitely fulfill the "beacon of hope" theme.

I'd wait until after lv 10 Paladin before taking the level of Inheritor's Crusader.

Thanks for your input. =) That's some great advice! It really puts things into perspective.

I actually was planning/thinking on taking the inspiring sword advanced benefit with my 9th mercy IF i would postpone my entry into any PrC (or just skip it as you suggested). As far as i know and read it, i would get the advanced benefit by just taking the 9th mercy and could stick with the holy guide? But you're right though, i just would have to wait another level to get that benefit from holy tactician anyway... I took the holy guide because CotCt is mostly in urban terrain and therefor the benefits apply almost always and the TWF was another nice synergy to the holy tactician.

Thanks for your hint to fearless Aura, that sounds great and i really didn't know about that! :)

You're welcome

"As far as i know and read it, i would get the advanced benefit by just taking the 9th mercy and could stick with the holy guide?"

Huh, well I suppose you would since the Advanced Benefit is technically a standalone ability. And if you're playing with PFS rulings you don't care about being able to use the Initial Benefit outside of combat.
Yeah that tracks, stick with Holy Guide then.

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