Spoilers: Does this AP seem super deadly to anyone else?


Scarab Sages

At level one, Bolan has a zero-resource cost attack that does 2d10 damage. That is enough to one-shot tpk the party.

At level 2, the party faces multiple creatures with aoe DC 21 save attacks that deal 3d6 damage, that’s 6d6 damage on a crit fail which is likely due to how high the saves are, and again, they can spam these abilities because of no resource cost.

Every single attack Kanepo does has the potential to do 4d6+1 damage.

Creatures just straight up immune to reactive strike?

Was this built as an 11-20 and then someone just went through and ‘reduced the numbers.’ By the book without realizing that lower level players have fewer resources to heal and stuff?

Spoilers for Glass Cannon Podcast, season 2 (Gatewalkers);

One PC (the catfolk Lucky) was killed by Bolan very early in the campaign. Troy ain't pulling no punches. They are fast approaching the Kanepo fight, so we'll see how that shakes out in the next few weeks.

A few times now, the players (mostly Joe) have asked: "Is this encounter really written for lvl 2 characters?!"

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yes. I'm running this for a pretty casual group, including some people who are new to Pathfinder with this AP, and it's been kind of a slog having to pull a lot of punches to prevent TPKs. Bolan's 2d10 stuff is very obviously imbalanced (creature design guidelines have this closer to 5th level enemy territory), but also there are a bunch of extended dungeon crawls that really aren't appropriate for 1st and 2nd level parties. If primary spellcasters have so few spells that even a sloth could count their slots on one hand, maybe don't make a 6+ encounter sequence culminating in a tough boss fight.

I had to go very far out of my way just yesterday to not kill some PCs with the jungle drake, who is rolling +17 against PCs whose ACs are in the 19-21 range. That's an average 36 damage crit on a bite attack, nevermind the claws immediately afterwards or the venom ticking down. Level 3 is IMO too soon for a level+3 enemy.

Now I have to prep to run them through a 4-encounter chain gauntlet that will dump them into Book 2 and immediately into more combat, with bonus level-up transition without a resting opportunity.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I gave the party a short pre-AP adventure fighting bandits and a rogue Gatewalker on the way to Seven Arches so they started the campaign at level 2. Changed very little about the entire sequence up to Bolan. I just an extra mook monster where they were needed and Bolan’s Trick Trap Treehouse still gave them a hard time.

They also just might not have a way to turn off the augur regeneration at Kaneepo’s treehouse unless they brought a holy cleric or were psychic and pooled together their money to buy a silver weapon for the fey dungeon.

Later on, the deadliness went down, but I also nerfed the jungle Drake fight and it still almost killed a PC immediately before they get sent into more fights.

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