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Thought I’d throw out my player’s characters here. Feel free to post your characters (or player’s characters) I’d love to see what variation we have!
Meadow Orchard (agender Leshy wood kineticist): A Leshy associated with the Leshy tea sellers. He’s a south bank traditionalist (having been in willlowshore for a long time. This is despite the fact that he owns and operates a small orchard outside of town on the northbank. He sells complimentary fruits and goat’s milk that pairs nicely with the Leshy’s tea. He realizes the town will die so long as things aren’t fixed, and then. . . who would take care of his goats?
Duye: (Male Nagaji thief rogue). Was found by the halfling ‘thieves guild’ operator Luda, who took him in as a son. He has strong ties to her and is sort of her go-to enforcer. She’s tasked him with getting commerce up and running so she can resume her smuggling business.
Galen (Male Human Monk). Found abandoned by a husband-and-wife pair of elves who were fleeing Avistan over the crown of the world, he is an Avistan human raised by elves. They are rangers, but spent so long on grilling Galen on the ‘basics’ of combat that he became a monk. He lives outside of town with his folks in a large treehouse.
Minji (Female Kitsune Primal witch) A very shy kitsune who lives with her grandmother outside of town. Her grandma is a healer, specializing in holistic, long-term care. She’s too shy to enter her kitsune form in town because she doesn’t want to stand out among the town’s mostly-human populace. Also worships Daikitsu.
Ryoushi (Male Nagaji Ranger). A resident of Willowshore. His parents wanted him to become a cleric of Nalinvati, but he was never very spiritual, and instead joined the Silvermist rangers. He’s an archer.
Saeka (Female Human Primal Sorcerer) A contemporary of Jubei, she was take. In by Anjul, who taught her to control her powers. She maintains a good relationship with the town wizard, though she has been known to go on long trips exploring the land. She was in between trips when the campaign started and now is not only trying to help the town, but also find a way out so she can go on more trips.

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Started GMing this last week, and ran some tutorial content that took place during the reenactment festival to help set the scene and give the PCs some local ties before they are expected to fight for them.
Here's what we know of the party in my game so far.
Xi (Female Ratfolk Toxicologist Alchemist)
Immigrated as a child and was adopted by a local farmer, she loves cooking and is known to make pesticides. She secretly makes moonshine.
A friend of Zataku who provided the fish that she used to win the Willowshore cooking contest.
Zhao (Male Human Thaumaturge)
A sage and a collector of knick-knacks, has his origins outside of town and was sent here to research local legends. Has been a "victim" of the reenactment multiple times before. Has a reputation in town as a bit of a knowitall, and it seems Luo was looking to knock him down a peg during a quiz.
Hikari (Female Human Redeemer Champion)
Is part of a line of "Guardians", what early Willowshore relied on for defense before it got a proper town guard. A defunct role that matters only to themselves and to the Matsuki household.
Ate the most pies during the festival -by far-, and handily won the tug-of-war by being the only contestant to take it seriously.
Worships Daikitsu.
Dal Geumsog (Male Kitsune Rogue)
A hunter, lives on the north edge of town and has a friendly competition with Sumika.

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I just started this campaign and my party consists of:
Arya (Dwarf Ranger): Her animal companion is a panda (same stats as a bear). She is a Southbank Traditionalist and is a close friend of the lawyer Luo Xi Yang and her adopted son Minhwan.
Shakawkaw (Tengu Thaumaturge): He is the son of Kawaka from Cloud Paper House. His relationship with his dad is tense because he prefers chasing occult phenomena rather than getting "a real job", but still keeps close contact with his father via their weekly tea ceremonies in honor of his recently deceased mother.
Fei Sanmi (Human Witch): Daughter of Nadoya Sanmi and older sister of Yuli Sanmi, she is also the physician's apprentice of Dr. Dami. She recently developed magical powers after being gifted a strange cat (her familiar) by the mysterious traveling merchant Shinzo (Folklore Enthusiast background).
Lavendra Nakamura (Half-Elf Investigator): She acts as Willowshore's criminal investigator. Her father was an elven ranger from the Silvermist Lodges, but he left long ago and Lavendra was raised by her mother, "Mama Bao", the owner of a small steamed bun shop. Lavendra is shy and lives in a secluded cabin in the woods south of town (Outskirt Dweller background).

Puni |

**Hi, I'm a new DM who picked up Seasons of Ghosts due to loving its eastern themes.**
My party not as diverse as others in this forum, as in my friend group, I'm known to like kitsune from anime/games a lot. So, the players kind of went with it.
1. **John Doe/Minh Long (Nephilim Kitsune Polymath Bard):**
- A natural-born local within Northridge of Willowshore.
- Has an oppressive household that wants to push him into being a doctor, similar to his older brother.
- Changed career paths once he got his instrument.
- Had trouble playing it correctly until a Kami Lord sponsored him with the muse.
- Currently working at The Seven Colored Songbird under Kazuma Oono, becoming a somewhat known performer within the village.
- His enjoys the West(The Inner Sea) too much. So he adapted the name of John Doe from the novels. He loves nothing more to leave the village to go westward.
- A little wacky and maybe enjoys performing too much.
2. **Nilrem (Kitsune Inscribed One Witch):**
- A natural-born from Southbank.
- Tutored by Anjal of Thulsadus, the former owner of The Mother's Coil, and good friends with the adopted daughter Jubei.
- Learned the arcane arts and the usage of his star orb familiar named Orby from them.
- Left the village of Willowshore to explore Tian Xia until 2 years before the campaign, called back due to the failing health of Anjal.
- Currently working within the Nine Ear Shrine with Ouh Ba-Ming.
- Tries to be a ladies man, but fails hard at it.
- Still working on who the Patron is.
3. **Pinna (Kitsune Monk):**
- A natural-born from Southbank and childhood friend of Nilrem's.
- Similarly tutored by Anjal and also friends with Jubei, though she found out she preferred to punch things instead.
- Left with Nilrem to explore Tian Xia and came back for the same reason.
- Currently works at Her Fluvial Lady of Souls under Elizeth Candora.
- A stern hard working woman. Who is well known to being a amazing cook to those who eat her food.
4. **Insert Name (Hunger-Seed Human Elemental Instinet Barbarian):**
- Disclaimer: (The player wanted to change their character since their original character couldn't fit the party. Also, as of writing this, the name is not known.)
- An outsider to the town of Willowshore, cursed with the influence of Oni along with her little sister.
- Typically lived on the outskirts of towns until Yong Wu-Xiu, the traveling blacksmith from Eternal Blaze Ironwork, found her and invited them back to Willowshore.
- She became close friends with Yong Wu-Xiu ever since.
- Now works as a hunter for the Silvermist Lodges and lives on the outskirts of Willowshore with her little sister.
- Despite being a Barbarian. She enters a state of extreme focus instead. Somewhat of a loner, but still willing to interact with others.

StarlingSweeter |

I would love to post my party's composition now that we are aimed to start this Wednesday!
Mikazuki Kimura (female kitsune animist): Born into Willowshore, her family is a pair of refugees who fled the genocide of their people in Hwangott. Taking on their family tradition of magic and herbalism they operate a small supply shop on the south side of town. When the Lung Wa empire broke, her father left for their homeland to see what had come of it, he has not returned since.
Yang Zhao (female dhampir thaumaturge): A woman with some complicated heritage who lives in Willowshore with their extended family. They run a shop which outfits assistive devices to residents of the town, particularly to loggers and other laborers.
Bora Kang (female nephilim champion): A woman with a sufficiently mysterious past. Was whisked away by a stranger as a teenager only to return to the town a year ago without nary a word of where she went. Currently working as a clerk for the Thrice Blessed Inn.
Koharu Homura (female hungerseed nagaji psychic): Dwelling on the outskirts, Koharu rarely comes into town other than for business or to visit her friend at the wizard's tower. Some whisper of a malevolent influence in her blood or her uncontrollable powers.

Thor 101 |

I have four players, they are playing traditional Characters raised in willowshore. They have not officially settled on names for their characters so i used the names of previous Pathfinder characters in the past.
Khallid (Human Fighter 2): Uses shield and Longsword. A bounty Hunter who uses dogs to hunt down his prey.
Xorn (Human Wizard 1): Spell slinging and Crossbow
Garret (Halfling Cleric 1): Serves The God Garumn
Le-Han (Human Ranger 1): Refers to himself as a Bounty Hunter or Trakker.

taks |

We'll be starting soon. Unfortunately, I have to play a PC regularly since we haven't been able to find a consistent 4th (we have one other guy that shows up every 2 or 3 months).
Anyway, I end up playing support classes, e.g., Investigator, etc., but this time I'll be a resentment witch. I think it'll be fun.
So far:
Male human witch (the resentment), focusing on debufs.
Human (duskwalker) dragon instinct barbarian.
Human (nephilim) monk. No details yet.
Likely male sorcerer or some other charisma-based class. This is the guy we're waiting on to start (he has other commitments).
I think I've read through the first book a half dozen times, the first chapter probably 10 or so. This is looking like a lot of fun, though it looks like we may have trap issues. Hmmm...

Souls At War |

Fei Sanmi (Human Witch): Daughter of Nadoya Sanmi and older sister of Yuli Sanmi, she is also the physician's apprentice of Dr. Dami. She recently developed magical powers after being gifted a strange cat (her familiar) by the mysterious traveling merchant Shinzo (Folklore Enthusiast background).
Guessing someone is willing to alter the story, backgrounds and rules a bit.