Counterspell vs pre-remaster spells

Rules Discussion

If I have force barrage and and vision of death prepared, would I be able to Counterspell against spells like magic missile and phantasmal killer? Are they still the same spells?

How come that you have a mix of pre remaster spells and post remaster spells? You should play with one or the other instance of the rules but not both.

As to your question: Pre remaster rules interact poorly with post remaster rules. GM adjudication is necessary for each case as there's no rule basis for these interactions.

SuperBidi wrote:
How come that you have a mix of pre remaster spells and post remaster spells? You should play with one or the other instance of the rules but not both.

What? That's definitely not true. Even PFS works with both sets of spells.

SuperBidi wrote:
As to your question: Pre remaster rules interact poorly with post remaster rules. GM adjudication is necessary for each case as there's no rule basis for these interactions.

I'd say that severe RAW reading would be that these are different spells because of different names. That's the expected reading in PFS, I think.

But for home games, especially force barrage and magic missile could be same spell. Though as they are identical (AFAIR), I don't see the point of having both. Vision of death and Phantasmal killer are a bit different.

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There are some spells that haven't technically been Remastered because they are in expansion books that aren't being Remastered. I would certainly hope that those spells aren't being excluded from play for absolutely no reason.

There are other spells that are one-to-one replicas under a different name, such as Force Barrage and Dizzying Colors. For those, I agree with SuperBidi - I'm not sure why we would need to have both spells as mechanically different in the same campaign. Either update everyone who casts the spell to cast the same spell, or treat the spells the same for all mechanical interactions including Counterspell. Though I agree that PFS doesn't do this and still treats both spells as separate.

The one I am on the fence about are the spells like Produce Flame/Ignition and others that are slightly different in the reprinting. There may be reason to have both, and they are mechanically different spells.

I'm just afraid of preparing vision of death on my PFS character only to have the GM say "Unfortunately, the monsters in this scenario were made before the Remaster, so the spell the boss is casting is actually phantasmal killer." Enemy spellcasters are already rare enough that I haven't been able to use Counterspell once in the 4 sessions I've had it.

Liberty's Edge

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SuperParkourio wrote:
I'm just afraid of preparing vision of death on my PFS character only to have the GM say "Unfortunately, the monsters in this scenario were made before the Remaster, so the spell the boss is casting is actually phantasmal killer." Enemy spellcasters are already rare enough that I haven't been able to use Counterspell once in the 4 sessions I've had it.

I would definitely choose my spells for their direct effects rather than with the IMO very slim hope of being able to counterspell with them.

Especially in PFS.

Finoan wrote:
I'm not sure why we would need to have both spells as mechanically different in the same campaign.

Yeah, looks like the OP's group has switched to Remaster character generation, but will be using a published AP. So the PCs will know the remastered versions while the NPCs will be casting the pre-remastered versions.

Counterspell is IMO already pretty restrictive, so non-RAW I'd probably be somewhat liberal in adjudicating what counts as "you have prepared" or "you could cast."

But that's just me. I think the proper answer is for OP to talk to their GM. Trying to get a ruling from the forum is a very poor substitute for "Hey GM, I have Vision. I think this should be able to counter Phantasmal killer since it's basically the pre-remaster version and I'm not allowed to select Phantasmal even if i want to be able to counter it. Your thoughts?"

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Well, since the OP has clarified that this concern is in the context of PFS, there are campaign specific answers to refer to. In the PFS Remaster Guidance, spells (or other character options, but this is about spells) that are not reprinted are still valid. Produce Flame and Ignition are both separate valid spells, and a character could learn either, or even both. Similarly, Phantasmal Killer and Vision of Death are also two separate valid spells that you could learn and prepare.

For any normal home game context, the "talk to your GM about how you want to handle these spiritual successor spells" answer is pretty solidly correct.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yeah, if you are running an pre-remastered AP (which is all of them at this point) with a steady GM, the answer is definitely to talk to them about both the issue and your concerns. It could just be the case that it might just make the most sense for your spell list to use only the pre-remastered spells unless you specifically wanted a remastered spell that would be a different spell. But it really isn’t an issue that people on the internet can tell you how to handle because there is no “official” way to run a pre-remastered AP with remastered characters.

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SuperParkourio wrote:
I'm just afraid of preparing vision of death on my PFS character only to have the GM say "Unfortunately, the monsters in this scenario were made before the Remaster, so the spell the boss is casting is actually phantasmal killer." Enemy spellcasters are already rare enough that I haven't been able to use Counterspell once in the 4 sessions I've had it.

Then grab Phantasmal Killer, it's still a valid choice in PFS.

I can understand your concerns for the future, but as of now the choice is obvious. And by the time we get to year 7, most adventures should be using the remastered rules so you'll switch.

So for each of my spells that had its name changed in the remaster, I can't use that spell to Counterspell anything in an existing PFS scenario? Even if the effect of the two spells is exactly the same?

Well, that means I need to retrain Counterspell, because I already rebuilt my character for the remaster rules and replaced every spell in my spellbook with the remastered spells (the only spell I prepare that still has it's old name is Fear). I really wanted to give this feat a chance, but I've played eight sessions and only faced one spellcaster in my entire career. And now, even if I face another, the feat is just going to be useless.

SuperParkourio wrote:
Well, that means I need to retrain Counterspell, because I already rebuilt my character for the remaster rules and replaced every spell in my spellbook with the remastered spells (the only spell I prepare that still has it's old name is Fear). I really wanted to give this feat a chance, but I've played eight sessions and only faced one spellcaster in my entire career. And now, even if I face another, the feat is just going to be useless.

When I took the feat I never really expected it to work until lvl 12 and Clever Counterspell. Now, this feat is even better in remaster, but the issue hasn't really changed.

Which for PFS basically means that Counterspelling would never work. For some reason I was ok with this.

SuperParkourio wrote:
So for each of my spells that had its name changed in the remaster, I can't use that spell to Counterspell anything in an existing PFS scenario?

If your GM is only allowing your characters to pick up "new version," AND your GM is not counting AP-included old versions as the new versions, AND only allowing counterspell to work if the name is an exact match, then yes that set of facts would lead to the conclusion: your game includes a set of un-counterable spells.

But I would really talk to your GM about that. I find it somewhat difficult to believe that a reasonable GM would impose all three of those conditions on the same game. But maybe yours does...and in that case, maybe retraining is the simplest, best idea.

I really wanted to give this feat a chance, but I've played eight sessions and only faced one spellcaster in my entire career. And now, even if I face another, the feat is just going to be useless.

Just my personal opinion, but I don't think countering has ever been a major tactical thing in PF2E. The one-for-one cost makes it something of a stalemate strategy at best, higher level monsters are going to have higher DCs than you so in party-vs-single-boss fights it's risky, and the need to know the spell you're countering makes it very conditional. It's a 'nice to have', but if you were building a character around the idea of playing counterspell defense during combats, that may not be a good expectation for the system - old OR remastered. There may be a few exceptions, centered around either specific campaigns or specific "staple" spells (someone on another thread mentioned primal witches countering heals). But if PF2E had wanted it to be an 'every combat' sort of tactic, they really should have said you can counter anything of a rank and tradition you can access.

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Errenor wrote:

When I took the feat I never really expected it to work until lvl 12 and Clever Counterspell. Now, this feat is even better in remaster, but the issue hasn't really changed.

Which for PFS basically means that Counterspelling would never work. For some reason I was ok with this.

That's Prepared Counterspell. Spontaneous Counterspell works immediately.

Easl wrote:
The one-for-one cost makes it something of a stalemate strategy

1-for-1? One reaction to cancel nearly an entire turn is very far from a stalemate strategy, it's much closer to a fight ender if the caster is a significant threat (which they often are). I haven't been able to use it often (twice in total), but for one of these fights it has changed a Severe encounter to a joke encounter.

Easl wrote:

If your GM is only allowing your characters to pick up "new version," AND your GM is not counting AP-included old versions as the new versions, AND only allowing counterspell to work if the name is an exact match, then yes that set of facts would lead to the conclusion: your game includes a set of un-counterable spells.

But I would really talk to your GM about that. I find it somewhat difficult to believe that a reasonable GM would impose all three of those conditions on the same game. But maybe yours does...and in that case, maybe retraining is the simplest, best idea.

It's PFS. Does the GM even have a say in this?

SuperBidi wrote:
Easl wrote:
The one-for-one cost makes it something of a stalemate strategy
1-for-1? One reaction to cancel nearly an entire turn is very far from a stalemate strategy, it's much closer to a fight ender if the caster is a significant threat (which they often are). I haven't been able to use it often (twice in total), but for one of these fights it has changed a Severe encounter to a joke encounter.

I was referring to the slot cost.

SuperParkourio wrote:
It's PFS. Does the GM even have a say in this?

As I understand PFS rules, if your GM is following them strictly then your character can equip the old versions of the spells, and so therefore there are no non-counterable spells - everything thing monsters can cast, you can cast too. But I could be wrong about that.

[Late add] It is true at a system level that counterspell, as written, becomes diluted in applicability as more similar spells are added. This is not just true for the remaster tweaking old spells, but for any time the system adds new spells. IMO if the devs want counterspell to "keep up" in relevancy as more and more spells are added to the cannon, they really need to rethink how it works. (As a temp fix, GMs with players who signal interest in counterspell-focused character concepts could instead guide players on what spells or spell types are going to be common in a particular campaign, so the player can reduce the 'realm of anything possible' down to 'realm of likely to face.')

SuperParkourio wrote:
It's PFS. Does the GM even have a say in this?

Not the proper forum, but the GM has definitely a say in this. I'd definitely consider Magic Missile and Force Barrage to be the same spell around my PFS tables. Following the rules doesn't mean only referring to RAW, RAI has a say in the way the game plays.

Liberty's Edge

SuperBidi wrote:
SuperParkourio wrote:
It's PFS. Does the GM even have a say in this?
Not the proper forum, but the GM has definitely a say in this. I'd definitely consider Magic Missile and Force Barrage to be the same spell around my PFS tables. Following the rules doesn't mean only referring to RAW, RAI has a say in the way the game plays.

Also the PFS leadership have made it very clear that they are expecting people to do their best to help everyone have fun during the transition to Remaster rather than getting all nitpicky for no good reason.

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