Dive and Breach Attack trait

Rules Discussion

The spell "Dive and Breach" has the attack trait, suggesting it should use a spell attack role, however it instead uses a basic reflex save?
This seems to clash with the implication of the attack trait that MAP applies.

Pls send help.
(I nearly tried to use this on my lvl five hobgoblin Magus with spell strike, before rereading and being disappointed)

We'll see if the attack trait gets errata'd away in the future since it's an emanation. NBD until then since MAP doesn't affect spell DC, unless you plan to make a Strike or other attack action after casting it

When remaster was released the designers said in Discord that these save spells with an attack trait was a typo. They will get an errata in the future.

In case of a save spell that has attack trait just ignore the attack trait.

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