Creating and Calculating Saving Throws for Ancestry Feats

Rules Discussion

Going from D&D to Pathfinder I am having to relearn a lot of things. Today I am reimagining the dragonborn and making them dragonfolk. I have come up with a description and very pleased with the outcome. However, as I work on Ancestral feats for them, I am unsure of how to calculate the DC necessary.

At this point my understanding is that it is 10 plus the appropriate ability modifier. I see the GM Cor Remastered book has charts for Simple DC's, those by level, and DC adjustments as well.

The particular ancestry feat I am developing is to create something similar to a dragon's Frightful Appearance ability. Given that dragonfolk will be a PC race, would the DC be calculated as 10 plus ability modifier? Or am I missing something here?

Ancestry feats DCs generally scale with either class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher.

Ancestry feats DCs generally scale with either class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher.

Can you be more specific on how this is calculated? Like a few examples?

Creator of Darknoth Chronicles wrote:
Ancestry feats DCs generally scale with either class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher.
Can you be more specific on how this is calculated? Like a few examples?

It's basically the same as anything else in the system, 10+proficiency+a stat. The stat is whatever your key ability score is (so strength for a barbarian, Dex for a gunslinger) except for magus who would use int because they are the only class that casts with a stat that is different than their key ability while also not having a class DC like most casters.

The 10+ stat you have currently have would struggle to hit due to lacking proficiency, which means that it will be really bad early (as it would have about -3 to hit) and be basically unusable later (as proficiency is what lets you adds your level)

Ok, so it should be 10+proficiency (which is your level in addition to +2 trained, +4 expert etc.), plus your attribute bonus.

Ancestry feats DCs generally scale with either class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher.

I've also seen a feat which uses your Will DC as an offensive ability DC.

Creator of Darknoth Chronicles wrote:
Ancestry feats DCs generally scale with either class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher.
Can you be more specific on how this is calculated? Like a few examples?

For "class DC or spell DC" example, I am finding Nagaji Disruptive Stare. I would also note that in the Remaster, all classes (and therefore all player characters) will be at least trained in class DC, so referencing spell DC is not as necessary.

Some other things that I see ancestries doing is giving special abilities as Skill actions (which the character will need to get training in those skills in order to be effective with), or as Innate Spells (which have their own rules for what proficiency rating the character will have).

Liberty's Edge

Easily done, provide them with Trained in the Intimidation Skill and the Intimidating Glare Skill Feat. Once you do that you'll have everything you should need to simulate this, at least for a level 1 Ancestry Feat. At level 10 you can add another Ancestry Feat that provides the option to do something like use a Reaction to Demoralize a target who enters a Square adjacent to you and also gives the Terrified Retreat Skill Feat benefits so long as you're at least trained to Master in Intimidation.

Simply use the normal Demoralize rules to handle all of the heavy lifting with regard to DCs.

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