All I ask for the Remastered Barbarian...

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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paizo already know how to make creature with low ac

just use the ooze template

level plus 10 ac

extremely high hp

critical hit and precision immunity

Liberty's Edge

Deny advantage on the Barbarian was a legacy from DnD which was already a legacy from Conan being a thief.

TBT being basically immune to flanking made encounters with sneak attacking opponents far too easy.

I think it was a legacy that had acquired its own unique meaning for the barbarian in the years since. It's been a long time since Conan was relevant to that extent.

As for a single martial class aside from rogue being immune to flanking making sneak attack encounters irrelevant? I dunno about that one. The only time I've really gotten screwed by it as a GM is against a rogue PC, and they still have it, don't they?

Liberty's Edge

Kobold Catgirl wrote:

I think it was a legacy that had acquired its own unique meaning for the barbarian in the years since. It's been a long time since Conan was relevant to that extent.

As for a single martial class aside from rogue being immune to flanking making sneak attack encounters irrelevant? I dunno about that one. The only time I've really gotten screwed by it as a GM is against a rogue PC, and they still have it, don't they?

To be clear, I was not talking as the GM, but as the Barbarian's player.

Wading into enemies that would collapse with max two hits from my PC while they had basically no hope of significantly damaging him is NOT what I want from a PF2 encounter.

Well, that's kind of what rogue already did, then. Higher AC, no off-guard. This kind of sounds more like a table/character/encounter-building issue to me. Barbarian did better at certain kinds of fights, sure, but struggled against others, like bosses. Rogue's the same way, except basically reversed. And we all know thief rogues are a terror.

Liberty's Edge

Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Well, that's kind of what rogue already did, then. Higher AC, no off-guard. This kind of sounds more like a table/character/encounter-building issue to me. Barbarian did better at certain kinds of fights, sure, but struggled against others, like bosses. Rogue's the same way, except basically reversed. And we all know thief rogues are a terror.

I admit I have not played a Rogue in PF2 yet. Still I feel, at least at low levels, sneak attack is less reliable than the higher damage of a Raging Barbarian. Which IMO balances things more when it is a Rogue facing their colleagues.

I feel like the innate boost to mobility is as big news as the AC boost. A +10 to movement can be quite significant in terms of positioning options.

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