Help with the start of book 6

Tyrant's Grasp

Scarab Sages

What is to keep the players from just skipping over the forest around Hammer Rock. At 16th level, they can fly, teleport without error or eve assuming they go into the forest, why would they participate in the Wild Hunt instead of just whacking the Fey? I'm confused. This would have been cooler as an earlier type thing. I'd rather have some stuff about Absalom or a big attack on a "rag tag" band of refugees.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Patman wrote:
What is to keep the players from just skipping over the forest around Hammer Rock. At 16th level, they can fly, teleport without error or eve assuming they go into the forest, why would they participate in the Wild Hunt instead of just whacking the Fey? I'm confused. This would have been cooler as an earlier type thing. I'd rather have some stuff about Absalom or a big attack on a "rag tag" band of refugees.

So, if you want to get them into the forest around Hammer Rock, remember, the forest is WEIRD. I think the Fey / Wild Hunt encounter is one of the best parts of Book 6, personally, so I'll assume that you are trying to get the players there. Here's some thoughts:

A magical weapon of apocalyptic power was detonated on Hammer Rock and is literally twisting reality.

Teleport? Don't work. Or you teleport, but you auto-fail, and boom, you end up with the Fey. Flying? There's insane clouds, just over the mutant forest which are twisting and dangerous. On approach, you see massive tentacles or fangs, or something, spiraling dangerous and massive in the multi-colored expanse. It's much less dangerous under the tree tops. If they still want to fly, then drop a CR 18 dragon on them (one of the less common ones, like an Outer or Esoteric dragon). It doesn't try to kill them so much as drive them under the treetops, wherein our players encounter the fey.

Finally, for the fey, hopefully your players like to roleplay and go along with it, rather than just whacking the fey. Or you know, what, make there LOTS of these high fey. Tell your players that they all look pretty tough. It's better to negotiate.

When my players are looking like they are going to do something which is less cool than what I've planned, I just TELL THEM "Guys, this is a fun thing in the book, so, I know you want to hunt the baldersnatch (or far more lamely, use teleport), but I think this will be cool."

This all being said, if you want to skip Book 6, just have the teleporter from Book 5 send them to Kortos. I was strongly leaning that way when sketching out the AP but I really like that fey encounter and I've been low-key building towards that with one of the PCs since Book 2. We are in the back third of Book 5 right now, although that's been heavily reworked.

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