Demon Vulnerability

Rules Discussion

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Hello folks,
Feel free to link or redirect if this has already been answered, I failed to perceive it during my first round:

Is a demon damaged by the vulnerability if it can't sense the source? A few explicitly say "that it sees", which implies not by exception, but I'm also thinking it might be a case of incomplete rules templating.

Say a shape-changed toad demon is walking through a busy market, can't hear or see everything going on and someone casts purify food and drink on a bin of fruit within 30' of the creature, would the demon be hurt by the spell?

At the opposite end you have a situation with a blood demon hitting a Barzahkite cleric with grievous strike*, and the cleric immediately teleporting away to a different continent and casting heal... does the blood demon still get a headache?

Best Wishes,

* Insert "A fine addition to my collection" gif here

A creature like a Hezrou would not need to be paying direct attention in order to be affected. Simply having the effect within the listed range would be enough.

To try and narrate the game rules mechanics, I would describe it similar to how we humans can smell a noxious smell - like moldy bread - when we are close enough to it, even if we don't know exactly where it is and weren't looking for it.

A Babau, on the other hand, doesn't have a range listed. It is instead tied to the creature (or maybe rather the damage that it previously caused). So yes, if the Babau injures someone and then they teleport away and get healed within the time limit, the Babau does take the damage. I don't expect that scenario to come up very often.

Lantern Lodge

Finoan wrote:
So yes, if the Babau injures someone and then they teleport away and get healed within the time limit, the Babau does take the damage. I don't expect that scenario to come up very often.

Especially since Teleport has a 10 minute casting time!

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