The Sihedron Council gets the Neutral End

Shattered Star

Shadow Lodge

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After two long years (about a third of which was full of session cancellations), the Sihedron Council managed to rebuild the Shattered Star and show it to the late Emperor one last time.

(Due to adjustments I made to the AP, they also found that the Shattered Star was never actually shattered in the first place - Xin mailed a shard to each of his apprentices, with incomplete information on how to put them together. Instead of working together to finish it, they fought over which one would build it singularly, and worked together to send an assassin after him during a loss of the anti-teleportation ward in his palace.)

Their names:

Gaius Stormshield née Gaius Coruncanius Vettonianus (Chelish human Armiger Fighter/Hellknight)

Vissaa Sewer Dragon, Absalom kobold Starsoul Sorcerer (Absalom's first kobold astronomer!)

Torsten Ironbrew, Chirurgeon Alchemist with a dip in Fighter (The last remaining heir to some of Janderhoff's lost brewing secrets)

Purrcible McCoy, Rahadoumi Amurran Wisdom Witch (who later, after having met the metzlan, decided to learn their ways by tossing his familiar aside and retraining into Oozemorph)

Here is their denoument.

Lockerbie & Liza Jane Brast remained as, y'know, sewer custodians. They made sure to only eat derro crawling up from the Darklands, which kept happening surprisingly often.

The Tower Girls, under leadership of Ayala, helped people out of the flooding and made sure that people got their necessities while their homes were drying out. The reputation of the Sczarni as a whole improved in Magnimar, and the Nailers had to put that in their pipes and smoke it!

The Order of the Nail, their sterling reputation polished further by their organized handling of citizens during the Rise of the Isle of Xin and subsequent repairs, served them well in their other pursuits. Not only shall they bring their hammers down on the remaining cultists of the region, but they shall soon stamp out the lawless Sczarni threat once and for all!

The xulgath of these lands left the loathsome boggards and their hag friend to the Lady's Cape. Forced into letting bugbears offer their idea of help, they still rob river-goers in the south. Some went north, to turn to the World Thunder. The xulgath as a whole face hard times.

Maroux finally got some peace and quiet. Screw all y'all!

Kanya & Herifax lived a fast, carefree life, squandering all the stuff they were given. Eventually Fufu the Lurker ate them, but they were so overdosed, they didn't mind, or notice really.

Despite having received little funding, the most of which had come from Korvosa, Windsong Abbey saw itself rebuilt, with the help of some penitent giants. There is now a chapel - small to a giant - dedicated to both Aegirran, the Sea Dreamer, and Minderhal, the stone giant god of justice. Pilgrims have begun to return to Windsong, including, bemusingly, at least one Groetesian.

Worship of Lisalla, in any organized way, ceased in Varisia. Many former Lisallans, disillusioned or desperate, turned to other faiths. Soralyon, the Mystic Angel, took in some, while others heard Mhar's belching of smoke and molten rock. Others, however, were shown the uncaring light of distant stars, and began to whisper to anyone willing to hear of it, of the benificence of the Crawling Chaos. Their numbers are small, but in the endless length of time, the whole galaxy shall know the power of the Chaotic Evil side!

Shasthaak, rune giant graveknight, returned to the world at large! Having completed his goal of killing Emperor Xin, he set about searching for any remaining presence of his lieges, to inform them of his success!

The Sihedron Council was a brilliant idea from its very beginning, having apparently saved Magnimar twice over. Their former membership of the Pathfinder Society, and their renown throughout the city-state, inspired the people of Magnimar to new heights of literacy, making Magnimar, I daresay, even more highly educated than the backward outpost of Korvosa! They stand vigilant, ready to defend Varisia from dangers of its antiquity. They even managed to recover one of the Seven Swords of Sin, and used it in conjunction with the Sihedron to, well, that's another story.

(Mid-Credits Stinger)
Ogonthunn took the Platinum Key and with it, the entire Clockwork Army of Emperor Xin. Those mouth-breathers discovered their ruse thanks to one of them having conjured a creature with innate True Seeing, but never discovered their real name. They didn't even have to crush anyone's will to get it. Their resistance to saltwater should make the re-subjugation of the Deep Merfolk go more smoothly. (However, Ogonthuun was left unaware that, by the late Emperor's last decree, the next time a clockwork soldier would wind down would be for good)

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