Proficiency without level DC fixed

Homebrew and House Rules

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From my POV the revised simple DC table is wrong. After making some maths considering always a maxed stat, the results were clear that using PWL is not a "bit harder" to get a success, and with few chance to increase as not adding the level.

In the case of Legendary we have that with normal rules we need a roll of about 12 at level 15, and only 6 at level 20 when the stat is maxed at +6, while using PWL we start with the need to roll a 17 and reduced to 16 when maxing the stat to +6. The difference is huge.

So after averaging some here is my table replacing the GMG table 4-8, don't be surprised considering how proficiency bonus increases:

Proficiency - DC
Untrained - 8
Trained - 12
Expert - 16
Master - 20
Legendary - 24

I could understand the reason for the original table, but in my case I am less worried about a trained with stat +2 character having a critical success on a legendary check if rolling a 20 (2 + 2 + 20 = 24) than requiring a legendary proficient with stat +6 character a roll of 16 to succeed.

I also have computed the other DC tables (10-5 including spell part or learning a spell) but seems not easy to paste a table in the forum format.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Any chance of putting it in a Google sheet or doc with a link?

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Put here as screenshot from document (using Mac Pages), in spanish but the table number is indicated as reference so it should be easy to copy.

Notice that on table 10-5 is indicated in parenthesis the original table value, for easier reference. So if playing any standard content, and a check is indicated with a DC, you then can look for that value in parenthesis and then use the value at left for PWL. I.e. in the adventure is indicated that a trap has DC25 to disarm, looking at the table we see that is a level 8-9 DC, so for PWL use 16-17.

DC tables

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