How does the Deathsnatcher get it's stats?

Rules Questions

The Deathsnatcher gets 1d8+10 damage on his claw attacks. His strength is only 23 (a +6 mod). It doesn't look like it's a secondary attack, or using Power Attack. When I do Monstrous Physique to turn into one, I need to know what's going on. Should I just do 1d8 + full STR mod?

i checked in the archive as well.

the attacks to hit are also wrong. 19 bab + 6 str is not +29 to all attacks.

way i see it it's str is actually 30-31 (+10 to hit and damage).

if it's like that it make the attacks bonus and damage correct.

"bite +29 (2d6+10), 4 claws +29 (1d8+10/19–20), sting +29 (1d6+10 plus poison)..
Str 23, Dex 21, Con 32, Int 16, Wis 21, Cha 24
Base Atk +19 ..."

It looks like the constant Greater Magic Weapon ability is being applied to all the natural attacks. A small error that you could correct (if you were wanting to pick nits) by swapping that for constant Greater Magic Fang.

Java, it looks like that's the answer. +6 from strength and +4 from Greater Magic Weapon. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

Java Man wrote:
It looks like the constant Greater Magic Weapon ability is being applied to all the natural attacks. A small error that you could correct (if you were wanting to pick nits) by swapping that for constant Greater Magic Fang.

Considering that it doesn't use weapons and so it is proficient only in simple ones, while it has plenty of natural attacks, it is almost sure it was meant to have Greater Magic Fang and not Greater Magic Weapon, as Java Man pointed out.

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